No hesitation, she's a killer


Lina's heart stopped looking at him covered in blood. She was so panicked, she didn't realise the blood wasn't his.

There were two other people in the room she had blatantly ignored as she ran towards him and dived into his arms.

Shen froze.

What the hell was she doing here?

She had never seen him like this...murderous.

He was holding a sharp hunting knife in one of his hands.

But she seemed to think HE was a victim!

"Lina...why aren't you in bed asleep? How did you get here?!"

He was trying to remain calm but his voice was shaking.

With her face buried in his bloody shirt, she began to cry and mumble.

"Why did you leave promised you'd never leave me..."

As her body was wracked with sobs, Shen held her shaking, petite figure close to him.

The two other people in the room looked at each other, completely dumb founded.

Shen's younger uncle Sojin was kneeling in front of Shen. He was about to have his throat ripped out. But this strange woman had shown up and had thrown herself at his nephew. He wondered who she was.

James, the hacker, was sprawled lazily on the sofa in the office. He looked confused at Lina's sudden entrance, but didn't seem to be bothered.

It was still pitch black outside, since it was the middle of the night. The view of the capital city was spectacular behind Shen from the ceiling to floor glass windows in the office. They were surrounded by other skyscrapers in this concrete jungle.

Shen had his back turned towards the windows and uncle Sojin on his knees.

"Baby how did you get into the office! Who brought you here? You should be asleep."

Lina, still sobbing, pushed him back gently and began frantically inspecting his body, checking for wounds.

"Why are you covered in blood! Are you hurt? There's so many many many dead people! Is this a butcher shop or an office?!"

She began babbling nervously, still checking for wounds.

Shen stifled a laugh as he saw Ayu and the bodyguard enter the broken into office doors. As Lina continued inspecting him, he stared daggers at Ayu who turned her gaze sheepishly to the floor.

She would definitely be punished.

He turned his attention back to his cute wife, who was hiccuping through her sobs. She had splotches of blood all over her now as well.

Lina was wearing casual plaid pyjamas and a tight white tank top. He just realised how scantily she was clothed. She looked angelic and seductive at the same time.

Her small figure had the most perfect curves at her hips and her chest, only accentuated by her exquisite collar bones. Her long, dark hair fell in waves down her back, long bangs framing her perfectly shaped face.

Her eyes were red and slightly swollen from the panicking and crying and her lips were moist. She looked like a sensitive little flower-bud that needed to be held and coaxed.

Shen almost fell to his knees looking at her.

He pinched the bridge of his nose, thinking this was exactly the kind of distraction he didn't need right now.

Worse, she didn't even seem bothered with the bloodshed and mutilation all around her. In fact, her child-like concern for him made him wonder what switch had been flipped in that complicated brain of hers.

He grit his teeth and held her firmly by the shoulders to stop her from fussing over him any longer. He had to finish the job at hand before she was exposed as his wife to James.

He wasn't too concerned about uncle Sojin. That man would die here tonight.

But he couldn't afford to kill James.

"Lina, please leave with Ayu. I will be back home soon, I promise."

He was trying to be firm so that James wouldn't get suspicious. But he already knew it was too late. It was clear that she was extremely dear to him. James was as far from an idiot as one could get.

James smirked to himself in his corner.

Who knew the bloodthirsty demon had a soft spot! This would come to be handy.

Lina still ignored James and uncle Sojin. As she looked up at Shen towering above her, her eyes glistened with tears. Her lips began to quiver at his firm tone.

Why was he being so mean! He was so kind and gentle with her the whole time, and she had been so very worried - and this is how he treated her!

All of a sudden her face changed again. Shen observed her, confused.

She looked cold and calculative. Her eyes narrowed and her entire body went slack. The hairs on her body were standing as her mind went into 'high alert' mode.

It was the same look she had when she had walked out of the elevator.


Shen started to talk but before he could even form a thought, Lina's arm pushed him to the ground with unspeakable force.

She was facing the ceiling to floor windows and had noticed a reflective glint in the distance.

Her body moved in smooth and quick, yet powerful motions like a cat in action.

Before he could process the change in his delicate wife, she bent down and within a split second picked up a gun and fired one single shot into the window.