You're in high demand

Shen started from the beginning. Not every part of Lina's life was a mystery. He did his best to reintroduce her to the life she did know.

He told her they met at a café Shen was a regular at. Not many people knew about it and he frequented it only early in the mornings to avoid crowds.

The picture in the photo album made sense. The picture of their first date.

"You were so silly, you took my coffee instead of your own. So clueless!"

He laughed as he recounted the memory to Lina. She smiled, thinking of how happy and peaceful she looked in the picture.

"So that's the opportunity you used to start a conversation with me?"

Shen smirked.

"As if I would need an excuse to talk to a beautiful woman!"

She threw a pillow at his face. Hubby was too overconfident!

He told her about how she surprised him with how observant she was, making note of the files he was carrying with him to go through while he had his coffee. She pointed out a minute administrative error in a calculation, saving him months of trouble with the budgeting team.

They ended up talking for a long time and then exchanging numbers.

"You were always surprising me. You acted so innocent, like you didn't know what was going on, and then you couldn't help but reveal your brilliance."

"So hubby thinks I'm smart?"

Lina's eyes glittered, prodding him for more praise.

Shen decided to indulge her. He rubbed her forehead.

"Of course, my wife is the cleverest."

He continued to tell her about their dates and the time they spent together making the "honeymoon phase" memories.

The hike to the monastery was a major milestone in their relationship. When they received the blessing of good luck, Shen had decided to make her his wife.

He thought back to that moment. She was radiant, glowing from the exercise, her body covered in a thin sheen of sweat. This woman didn't need any make up to look fresh and resplendent. Her hair was in a bouncy ponytail and her body was toned.

There was a charm about her that was simply undeniable.

He would stop every now and then to check that she wasn't too tired. She would pretend to be breathing loudly, as if to sound exhausted, but he could tell her movements were fluid and assured. He found it ridiculous and hilarious that a woman as capable as her wanted to seem so weak!

At one point he began asking her if she wanted to stop to rest just to amuse himself, knowing that every time they did take a break, she seemed to get impatient and jittery. Shen wanted to explore this woman for the rest of his life.

He smiled to himself slowly, thinking how silly it was that she forgot just what an incredible woman she is.

"Can you tell me more about my family? Where are they? Why weren't their names on our marriage certificate?"

The sudden change in topic startled Shen. But he knew that this question had been burning inside her since she woke up.

"Baby, your parents died when you were 6. You told me you never knew them and that you had a hard childhood moving from orphanages to foster homes. I'm sorry you have to hear this..."

He spoke to her softly, holding her to provide as much physical comfort as he could.

As Shen spoke those words, Lina felt her heart sink. She had a feeling she was alone in this world. Nobody had come looking for her, besides Shen's parents.

She felt regret as soon as she thought about them. They treated her like their own treasured daughter!

But she just couldn't help voicing her sadness to her husband.

"I had a feeling I didn't have wonder they didn't try to see if I was okay."

"Angel, don't be foolish. Have you any idea how many people are hounding me about you?"

Lina looked at him, befuddled. She cocked her head to side adorably, her eyes wide, signalling for Shen to clarify what he meant.

"I mean, you're in high demand!"

Lina gave him an even more confused look.

Wow, amnesia was hard.

"This brings us to your work. Now, angel, I've been doing my best to take care of your clients, but there have been a few complaints...."

He sounded like he was extremely nervous about something.

"Hubby, who are my clients?"

The great devil was crying internally.

As he started listing them off, Lina's eyes widened in amazement.

Apparently she was a highly sought after policy advisor to people who controlled major resources, countries and populations.

She worked behind the scenes to direct Presidents of countries and corporations, sometimes political opponents and rebel groups, CEO's in industries that harnessed all types of energy and fuel.

"Did you mess things up?"

Her question to Shen was direct and abrupt. If she had leverage over her tyrant husband, she could use it to her advantage!

Shen picked up on her scheming almost immediately.

"I wouldn't say I messed anything up...."

"Hubby, are people looking for my brilliance and being met with your stupidity?"

Shen looked at her, offended.

"I made a FEW mistakes okay, this is not my area of expertise."

The great devil king was defending his stupidity. Lina was milking it to the fullest.

"What's the biggest complaint I need to deal with right now?"

She might as well give it a try and see if her skills remained subconsciously in tact.

"The Prime Minister of B nation asked me how to deal with a conflict over land ownership between two major religious factions. I told him to use force to suppress both sides. He has a civil war on his hands right now."

As Shen said this, he coughed lightly and looked away.

With a few words, this prodigal man had stained her credibility and caused a WAR?!