Like a legitimate surgeon

The three people within the University quickly took cover behind some walls. Shen's arms were protectively covering his wife while Mana stood behind them shaking.

"Wh-wh-what's going on?" she managed to stutter.

"ssshhh" both husband and wife beckoned her to remain silent.

Shen quickly called Ayu.

"What was that gunshot?"

Shen's question was direct as soon as she picked up.

"Boss, all clear. You can come outside now."

Even though her voice was steady, Shen knew something was wrong.

He looked at Lina tentatively.

"Something happened outside, but it's safe now. I brought Ro-kun with me so everything should be okay."

Mana was still terrified and didn't want to move from her spot.

Lina held her hand, with the same determined attitude as she had the first time she helped Mana. With that, Mana followed her and Shen out.

As the sneaky looking trio jumped off the other end of the broken wall, they spotted Ayu in the distance. But something wasn't right.

She was on the ground with a heavy figure in her arms, speaking frantically on the phone.

As they three of them ran towards Ayu, they realised it was Ro-kun in her arms. And he was bleeding.

Ayu was on the phone with Shen's security team yelling for backup and an ambulance.

Shen immediately sprinted to Ro-kun's side.

"Ro-kun! Where is he hurt?! What happened here?!"

Shen's voice was icy as he directed the two questions at Ayu. She was clearly shaken but was trying to stay calm.

"Boss, he has been shot once in his abdomen." Pressing his wound, and trying to keep pressure, she looked at Shen for reassurance.

"Ok, we need to stop the bleeding first." Shen's hands were steady as he kept pressure on the wound.

Lina's eyes went cold as she scanned her surroundings.

It was the weekend and there weren't many people around.

She remembered the closest hospital was at least an hour away. The University wasn't located in a very central area. Lina had been studying maps of the capital city in her free time, to prevent getting lost when she went out. She knew the layout well, now.

The ambulance would take time.

Ro-kun was losing too much blood.

Her eyes refocused on Ro-kun who was struggling to breath.

"Shen...we don't have time. We can't wait for the ambulance or paramedics."

Shen looked at her, agitated.

"You're right. We need to find the closest emergency care center."

After hearing him agree with her, Lina looked at Mana, who was pacing on the side, not knowing what do, terrified at the sight of all that blood.

"Mana! I need you now. The University must have an emergency medical care center right?"

Mana was palpitating and having a panic attack. Lina walked up to her and held her hands tightly, trying to get her attention.

"Mana, listen to me. Breathe. We need you. I need you."

Mana's eyes focused on Lina, her anxiety slowing down, and her breathing stabilising.

"Ok, yes, there's a really great medical center on campus for the medical students. We can bring him there."

Lina sighed, relieved.

She looked at Ayu and Shen. Her gaze was steady and confident.

"You both need to put him in the car and while Mana and I open the main gates from inside. Then drive him straight to the campus medical center. We will administer first aid to Ro-kun there."

They nodded, oddly confident in Lina, and at the same time stunned by her calm thinking and planning when someone's life was at stake.

Even Shen wasn't thinking as clearly with Ro-kun in that state. It seemed like he didn't know enough at all about his wife's abilities.

Lina and Mana quickly scaled the broken wall, went up to the front of the University building and opened the gates from the inside.

Shen was driving the black Mercedes with Ro-kun lying in the back in Ayu's arms as she continued to apply pressure to his wound.

Lina and Mana got into the car and Mana immediately began directing Shen towards the medical building.

The building was locked, but they were running out of time.

Lina kicked open every door ruthlessly as the others looked upon, aghast.

'My wife is a beast...there's no other explanation.' Shen thought to himself.

How did this woman go from being a soft bunny one minute to a wild tigress the second minute?

Finally, they were in!

Shen helped set Ro-kun on one of the beds.

"Lina, we need to take the bullet out or the bleeding won't stop. Let me do it, I have experience in these matters."

Lina looked at Shen deeply for a second. He looked confident and strong, as he always did. But she could sense he didn't feel so calm.

"It's okay. I know you care about Ro-kun." she said to him softly.

Standing on her toes, she reached up to his face and planted a soft, gentle kiss on his perfect, thin lips.

For a moment, Shen felt worriless.

Lina picked up the instruments and instructed everyone as to what to do. For a moment they felt like she was a legitimate surgeon in an operating theatre.

Carefully, and with gentle fingers, she managed to extract the bullet and place it in the basin.

She then cleaned the wound and stitched it up.

Without anaesthesia, Ro-kun bit down on a piece of would and bore it. Ayu held his hands and talked to him throughout the entire procedure.

"Ro-kun, be strong, it will only hurt for a minute..." she kept saying to him.

'I didn't know her voice could be so soft, so gentle...' he thought to himself as he tried to stay awake.

Shen stood by Lina, watching her every fluid move. She became more and more of a mystery to him.

As he watched the bullet being taken out and placed in the tray, he noticed something white sticking out of it.