Jealous girls and their jealous hearts

Shen noticed Lina was uncomfortable and had to use the washroom. He knew the bathroom was only outside the ballroom and and down the corridor.

But he still got nervous that she wasn't by his side. He didn't want to let his wife roam free in this room full of wolves and vultures.

Shen took a deep breath to calm himself down. But she was no lamb herself. He had to learn to let her take care of herself, the way she wanted to.

He had been precocious of her safety from the start, but since the attacks, he was having a hard time dealing with her not being within his direct line of sight.

Lina entered the women's bathroom, which was thankfully completely empty. She was feeling the cramps intensely in her lower back and the corset was suffocating her.

She looked around for a pad or tampon dispenser. Having found one, she went into a bathroom stall to put it on.

As she was adjusting her dress inside, and making herself a little more comfortable, she heard the door open and three pairs of footsteps hustle inside.

Three young ladies from the ball had entered, all chattering animatedly.

It seemed like two of them were just following the other girl. She had a snooty, arrogant tone and Lina took a disliking to her as soon as she began talking.

"Who does that woman think she is, having the guts to walk in here with my darling Shen? They can't really be married. I'm the one who's been promised to him since we were children."

Her 'darling' Shen? What was this delusional woman talking about!?

One of the two other girls soothed her.

"Don't worry Sara, she must have pulled a cheap trick or used a drug to seduce the young master. Otherwise he has never shown an interest in any other woman. He was only ever kind to you!"

The other girl agreed with her friend and the two continued to coax this Sara woman.

Lina was boiling with rage as she remained in her bathroom cubicle trying to listen in on more of their conversation.

Sara continued speaking arrogantly about her favour with Shen.

"You girls have no idea, we were always together since we were kids. Even though he's my brother's age, he always made sure to play with me! And every time he attends one of these events, I'm the only woman he talks to..."

Lina was about to have a headache listening to her go on and on about how much Shen cared about her.

But then she started to sling mud at Lina.

"Nobody knows who she is! She's probably from low birth and is just trying to hide it right now. She must have pretended to be a white lotus and seduce my Shen. He's probably just one of her victims! Gold-digging bitch! My Shen has been looking so unhappy all evening...probably because he hasn't caught a glimpse of me yet."

The girls giggled.

"Sara, you should go entertain him. I saw that bitch leave the ballroom. He probably sent her back home because she was such an embarrassment after that horrifying neon man approached them!"

The three of them giggled nastily again.

Now Lina's head was throbbing and the little cubicle was beginning to get suffocating. She wouldn't just stand there as they kept badmouthing her and her marriage.

Nobody knew what she and Shen had gone through.

Suddenly she slammed the cubicle door open with a bang, startling the three girls.

She could easily determine who the arrogant bitch was who thought Shen belonged to her.

Sara. She wore an electrifying blue mermaid gown, with a low cute bodice that left little to the imagination. Her make up was heavy and her hair in an up-do, trying to show as much skin as she could.

No matter how rich the family, class could just not be taught sometimes. Lina felt as if her eyes would be incinerated if she continued to look at this gaudy woman any longer.

She would have even been slightly pretty if she hadn't caked herself up like that.

She would say her piece and leave.

"You..." Sara started to say, her expression ugly.

But Lina cut her off.

"Jealous girls and their jealous makes their faces so ugly. Hatred and arrogance don't hide so well. My husband would have seen right through you. What gives you the right to point fingers at our marriage?!"

For a moment, Sara and her friends were stunned.

Even though she didn't have an answer, she was seething mad.

"You bitch! What gives you the right to even look at my face, much less talk to me?! Do you know who I am?"

Lina scoffed at her weak threat.

"Even if I did, it wouldn't matter. There's nothing you can do to hurt me or my relationship, since it has nothing to do with you."

Lina's voice was calm, but firm. She would not stoop to their level by hurling insults.

Not knowing what to say, Sara gestured to her two friends with her eyes.

They immediately cornered her from all sides.

Lina sighed.

They were going to try to bully her like schoolgirls. Maybe tug at her hair, push her around?

Ha! Idiots! They were signing their own death sentences.

The three girls charged at her. Lina smirked.

Just as she was about to strangle all three single-handedly, she had a brilliant idea.