Nobody could stand up to the Moshi family

Sara could feel her insides crumble when she heard Lina's words.

This crazy woman had no sense of fear. She had warned her so many times, and yet she had the courage to try and implicate her.

Madam Yi immediately stood up.

"Enough! I have entertained this young lady long enough. How dare she turn this into a witch hunt against my own daughter?!"

The realisation hit Lina. No wonder Madam Yi was squirming in her seat.

She was the hostess of this event and could not have her daughter getting implicated so openly in an assault.

Even though Sara was nervous, she knew she had to play her cards right. That's how she was brought up.

She went up pitifully to her mother's side, with eyes like great pools of sapphire.

"Mother...this woman is publicly slinging mud at our family's good name. Even brother Shen won't believe me."

Shen's expression didn't change. He was still glaring coldly at Sara.

But the public opinion was swaying towards the great daughter of the Yi family.

The men in the room knew she was unattached and single, and standing by this heiress right now could win her and her powerful mother's favour.

"Where did this lady even come from?"

"Whose family's daughter is she?"

"Is she really Master Moshi's wife or did she just bear an illegitimate child?"

Sara smiled inwardly to herself. Now this girl, who didn't know how to behave, was really an embarrassment to Shen.

Lina was chiding herself for trying to teach this girl a lesson publicly. She could have just beaten all three girls in the bathroom and tied them up there.

She really didn't intend on putting Shen in a difficult position because of everyone insulting him on her account.

But he didn't seem to care. They were all more flies to him.

He just looked at her lovingly and asked again.

"Are you sure it was the daughter of the Yi family that assaulted you?"

His gaze encouraged her to continue speaking the truth. He would stand by her.

She simply nodded this time.

Shen picked up his phone and dialled Ayu's number.

When she picked up, he spoke without greeting or explanation.

"Ayu, pull out the 30 billion dollar investment from the latest joint venture for the luxury apartment complex we signed with Yinan Industries."

Madam Yi gasped, as her hand flew to clutch her chest, startled at the utter shock of his words.

Even Lina was surprised by his rash declaration.

Sara's knees began to shake. This had snowballed into a massive issue. Her brother and mother would kill her when they returned home!

She had to do something!

Sara ran to Shen's side and fell to her knees sobbing.

"Brother Shen...y-y-y-ou k-k-know how ha-ha-rd it's been since dad-daddy died...why are you being so brutal to didn't even witness this woman's claims with your own eyes! Y-y-you know me s-s-since I was a little girl. I w-w-would never go against you!"

As she went on weeping, Lina realised she was putting Shen in awkward position.

This girl was so shameless as to use her dead father as an excuse to milk pity and make Shen look like a monster.

Even if this girl harboured a crush on him, she had never seen anyone act so selfish!

Lina's blood began to boil, but she knew she had to put an end to this situation before Shen's good name was sullied.

"'s fine. The wounds are superficial, I'm feeling much better now."

Shen's voice hardened as he ignored everyone in the room, including Lina and barked orders at Ayu.

"I don't care what the breach of contract fees are, make sure they are paid in full so we can terminate our business relationship with Yinan immediately."

Hearing this, Sara wailed even louder. Her brother wasn't even present at the banquet to support them!

Her brother had met with Shen just the week before to secure this deal, when Shen finally returned to the capital city offices after Lina's recuperation. That was when he had mentioned to Shen that Sara had returned from abroad.

But unfortunately tonight, he was on a business trip and would return later that evening to the mess she had created with their biggest partner - Moshi Corporation.

"Shen don't be rash. You can't throw away everything we built together for a mere woman! Think of your father and my late husband and the work they put in to make Yinan and Moshi what they are today!"

Now Madam Yi had also begun to beg, fully realising the scale of this issue.

But Shen continued to ignore their pleas and wails. The whole room watched thunderstruck.

Wasn't the young master of the Moshi family taking it too far?

But Shen wasn't done yet. He scanned the room and paused at the faces of the men who badmouthed his wife to gain favour with the spoiled little miss of the Yi family.

He gave more orders to Ayu on the phone.

"Sever all ties with and blacklist Glory Textiles, Akira Technologies and Bloom Corporation."

The three representatives of these companies almost had heart attacks. They were finished. They would go bankrupt in a week after getting blacklisted by the great Moshi Corp! None of their international partners would trade with them anymore!

Who was this woman?! What kind of power did she have over the demon king himself?

Yet all the ladies swooned at young master Moshi's loving protectiveness towards his wife. Some looked on resentfully at their husbands and boyfriends.

Would they do the same to protect their pride and honour?

Likely not.

However, nobody could really stand up to the Moshi family.

Their power and grandeur was truly awe inspiring.