Meimei's first date

Back at the mall, after Sara ran out with her entourage, Mei and Lina had the store and June all to themselves to shop for her date outfit.

"June, my assistant has a date today evening. He said to meet for dinner, right, Meimei?"

Mei nodded.

Shu had replied to Mei asked her to meet for dinner instead. That way he could bring the report directly to her to pass on to Lina.

After all, he couldn't just give them the report without the date! The bribe must be upheld with a simultaneous transfer!

June pondered for a second before asking some questions.

"Do you know where he's taking you? If it's extravagant or informal?"

"Well...he didn't really say. I don't expect him to take me somewhere too fancy though. He is just a lab assistant, after all." Mei replied thoughtfully

"Don't underestimate him Meimei. He looked impeccably groomed. Clean shaven, high-end haircut, Rolex watch, soft hands...he may just be from a very good family!" Lina commented.

Mei's eyes widened. Boss' eyes were scanners! She was under so much duress, going crazy at the fear of the needle, and yet she had made note of so many things about the very man wielding the syringe!

June nodded, snapping her fingers, knowing precisely what to bring out for Mei.

"Miss Mei, your figure is nice and curvy, and your hair is truly unique. I have just the perfect outfit that isn't too fancy but also very elegant. You wouldn't look over or under dressed no matter where you went!"

Mei peered over Lina's shoulder curiously as she watched June hurry in and out of the storage room bringing a carefully wrapped dress to the women.

As she opened it up, Mei gasped at the rich colour.

It was an emerald green boat neck dress up to her knees made of the finest silk. The sleeves were and elegant, modest length up to her elbows with a pure gold thread piping.

It was so simple, yet so blindingly stunning. Mei's short curly hair bounced alluringly at her bare shoulders, while the dress accentuated her hourglass figure in the most graceful way possible.

Lina covered her mouth in wonder at how different her little Meimei looked.

"Wow my assistant is the prettiest!" she praised, making Mei blush profusely at her revered boss' approval.

After having paid for the dress, Mei and Lina left the mall.

Shu Yi, the lab technician said he would pick Mei up at the Capital City Silver Park which was a central location at the city. The restaurant they would go to was close from there.

Mei sat one a bench nervously waiting after Lina dropped her off. She was due to bring the report back to Moshi mansion under the pretence of it being a work file.

Shen had made Lina promise to be back home at 8 so she couldn't be late. Even mother was waiting at home with dinner prepared.

As Mei fiddled with her phone, it was almost 7:45 pm, the decided time at which they were to meet. But she didn't see Shu anywhere around.

She was just about to walk around to look for him when a gang of rowdy looking young men walked up to her and started cat calling at her.

"Hey there beauty! Where are you off to all by yourself?" one of them jeered.

A second man just laughed.

"Come hang out with the three of us. I bet you it's more fun than being alone!"

Freaked out, Mei ignored them and began pacing away.

There were three of them, and they began walking towards the young girl quickly as they watched her get frightened and speed walk.

"If you don't come by your own free will, don't blame us for being ruthless."

Mei began to almost jog away, her eyes tightly shut, hoping to run into civilised people who would protect her. Right now, even if she screamed, nobody would hear her.

Why did that Shu Yi have to choose such an awkward place to meet?! Even though it was central, everyone knew not to go there alone during the evening hours!

Suddenly she bumped into something hard and came to a sudden halt. As she slowly opened her eyes to see the hard, warm thing she ran into, she realised it was a male chest.

Still frightened, she peered up too look at a handsome, clean face look down at her, smiling.

"Mr. Yi!" she gasped, "you're finally here!"

He gently held her trembling shoulders, and with worry in his eyes looked down at her terrified figure.

"What's wrong Mei? Why were you running?"

As he asked this question, he saw three dark, rowdy-looking figures come to a halt a little distance behind her.

An understanding came over him as his face darkened, turning fearsome.

The three men who had been following Mei, shivered just at the look of his expression.

"What are you three doing back there? Were you chasing this lady?!" he questioned as he began to walk towards the rogues.

As much as Mei wanted redemption for the harassment, she didn't want this nice man to get hurt. He was clearly outnumbered by these thugs!

What if they had hidden weapons on them?! Shu didn't look like he had come prepared for a fight.

The three men just shuddered under his glare.

"Stay b-b-back mister! We didn't touch the woman!"

One of the assailants began babbling.

The others, who refused to show outward weakness, tried to put on a brave face and confront Shu.

"Don't come any closer or we won't hesitate to hurt you!"

As he said this, he threateningly reached for something underneath his coat as to pull out a gun.

Shu stopped in his tracks, when he heard Mei whimper behind him.

He turned to her and flashed her a charming smile that stopped her in her tracks.

How did she fail to notice how good-looking this man was when she first saw him!?