Touching his wife intimately

Mei took the taxi straight to the Moshi mansion.

Lina had already come back home dot on time to have dinner with Shen and mother. Mother was going to prepare dinner but since she felt guilty for having lied to Shen regarding the day's activities, she decided to cook for them today.

"Mother please rest today. You've been looking after me for a few days now, even leaving father so lonely at the old residence! You must rest and eat my cooking today!"

Lina didn't know where she got the confidence to cook from, but remembering her amazing muscle memory from last time, she decided to trust her instincts.

As if by magic, she knew where everything was and just what to prepare.

She created a table of beautiful, fragrant delicacies. Stews, noodles, rices and well cooked meats.

"My dear daughter can still cook up a feast!" Rika praised.

She would have loved to continue cooking and doting on Lina, but she also enjoyed the treat!

In the past, Lina used to be the most perfect host when they had banquets and parties at the old residence.

It was a pity she was never formally introduced as her very own precious daughter-in-law at any of these functions or even family gatherings. She just stayed in the background, quietly performing her duties.

Rika's heart hurt as she thought about these moments in the past.

Her sweet, obedient daughter. Always in hiding.

"Mother! What's wrong? What are you thinking about? Start eating! I'm going to bring Shen downstairs. He's been holed up in his study since he came back home from work. We'll be down in a moment!"

As Lina scampered off to look for Shen, a little tear slipped down Rika's cheek as she tasted her son's favourite noodle dish.

The flavours were clean, simple and honest. Just like Lina's heart.

No matter her past, this girl would always be her daughter.

Lina knocked on Shen's study.

"Come in!" he called.

She put on a big bright smile and walked in.

"Hubby!" she squealed as she threw herself at him.

He was sitting at his desk, his reading glasses on, still in his work suit.

He always seemed to look so delicious.

His serious face cracked into an easy smile.

"Come here" he said to her softly.

She cuddled comfortably into his lap and nestled her head under his chin.

"Come downstairs to eat hubby. I cooked today! Mother is waiting."

His eyes brightened at her words.

She hadn't cooked again since the day she had made him his favourite noodles and he had been desperately craving his wife's cooking again.

But there was something he had to deal with first.

"Mm." he nodded.

She sensed something was off about him so she pulled back and looked at his stern face.

"What is it?" she asked, wide-eyed.

He sighed.

How did she make such innocent expressions while lying so blatantly?

He let her get away with her demands way too often. Was this wife already spoiled rotten, like she was before?!

"Housekeeper Tan went to your office today to bring you food and supplements. But it seemed like neither you or your little assistant were at work?"

Shen's voice was sharp, yet not entirely reprimanding.

He had no interest in actually scolding his wife. He just wanted to keep her safe.

Right now, if she snuck away from him, another attempted kidnapping like the last could take place. More dangerous people like Victor Tachibana could sneak up on her.

Lina's body turned stiff.

It's not like she wanted to hide anything from Shen. She just wanted to take care of her own suspicions first without worrying him. She couldn't keep depending on him for every little thing as if he had no other concerns of his own.

Besides, he had gone through the trouble of searching out and employing Dr. Hayama for her. She didn't want to seem ungrateful and resistant to get her memory back.

"Uh...I got to work and realised Mei had been suffering in my absence. So we spent the day at the mall! You can call to ask June, if you'd like! We were at her shop!" Lina provided her excuse promptly.

Shen stroked her hair.

"Angel, I'm not trying to spy on you. I just wanted to know that you were safe and had everything you needed. My credit card didn't get billed! Why didn't you use it?"

Lina breathed easy again.

"Because I was shopping for Mei, as a bonus present for all her hard work. I used my company card!"

Shen kissed her gently on the head, happy at how thoughtful she was.

Maybe he should start treating his staff better too.

As he continued to embrace his wife in his arms, he took of his reading glasses and placed the files he was going through on his desk.

Then he meticulously placed a small medicine box in front of her and removed all the health supplements Lina was meant to take that day in front of her along with a glass of water.

She smiled and swallowed them all obediently, knowing she had indeed been irresponsible by ignoring her body's vital needs earlier even though her darling husband had Housekeeper Tan try and deliver the supplements to her.

After she finished drinking glass of water, she stood on her toes and kissed Shen's lips gently.

Pulling away, her big doe-eyes looked into his.

"Thank you for always looking after me, darling."

Shen kissed her back with a forceful passion.

As their lips intertwined passionately, as if they were finally allowed a drink of water after surviving a drought, they forgot to breathe.

Shen's hand slipped under her top as his big, gentle hands caressed her feather-soft skin gently underneath.

A small moan slipped Lina's lips, still wrestling his.

Her eyes suddenly flew open.

Mother was waiting downstairs for dinner! They had been up here too long!

"What's wrong? Are we moving too quick?!" Shen asked, startled that he had upset her.

He had been waiting months and months now to simply touch his wife intimately.

There was no way he was going to ruin it by making her uncomfortable.

Lina giggled.

"No, hubby. It's just...mother is waiting for us downstairs at the dinner table. Plus all the food I made for you will get cold!"

Shen sighed.

Did this girl only ever think about his mother? What about her loving husband?

"Okay fine, let's go then." he resigned to her wishes. But he snaked his arm around her waist and drew her face close.

"But we continue where we left of before bed tonight..." he whispered to her.

Lina pushed him off reluctantly, blushing brightly.

As the three people were seated for dinner, happily chatting, praising Lina's fantastic cooking, a little tornado with curly hair entered the Moshi mansion.

Butler Min knocked on the door, and came in, quietly announcing her arrival to Lina.

"Madam, Miss Mei seems to have brought some important documents for you to look over. She is waiting outside in the living room."