The truth always comes out in the end

Shen's eyes almost fell out of his head. What? 

She was under house arrest, and it was understandable that she would try to sneak out and go to office or even a cafe, a bar, a club! THE MALL! 

But the Lim Villa?! 

He had kept his wife locked up safely at home to protect her from the smallest harm, but she had secretly walked straight into the lion's den?! 

And how did she even get there? Who let her in? What connection did she have with the Lims?! 

"I can tell you're too shocked to say anything right now. But let me just say something first" Lina said sheepishly, twisting her fingers around. 

She didn't say this much, and she definitely didn't like saying it right now. But tonight, she had to. 

Lina looked Shen straight in the eye, her lowe lip trembling. 

"I'm sorry." 

Shen's eyes widened even more. She had definitely been a handful, defiant and reckless. She was finally owning up to it?