One step at a time

Sayu lazed like a sleepy feline on the sofa in the big boss' office. She was only wearing her white shirt after the physical activity the two had engaged in. 

"So what's the purpose of this visit?" the big boss asked Sayu, suiting up. He didn't like remaining in a state of undress that most people enjoyed after intercourse. He wasn't much of a cuddler either. 

Sayu frowned. 

"Always straight to business aren't you?" 

The big boss sighed. 

"Don't be whiny. That's one reason I don't like younger women." 

Sayu made a face at him. Generally, she preferred meaningless sex. Men were easy to come by, and they worshipped at her feet. 

But this big boss, she had really found herself a tough nut to crack. 

Initially, he had approached her personally, to work together on a beaurocratic issue that was getting in her own way. It had served her well as his.