Shiroe, Deja vu

Inside in an elegant room.

I was having a staring contest with the pure maiden for how long I can't remember. Should I say I lost track of the time.

I was just afraid if I speak first, I don't know why I'm afraid to speak. It's not like I'm nervous or scared. I don't know what's the reason why I'm afraid.

The thought of revenge in my mind fades and was replaced by calm and peacefulness. My raging heart earlier was changed into a skipping beat.

I wanted to speak but the pure maiden beat me to it. She appears to be the same age as Shina, my niece. But I felt like this pure maiden is knowledgeable and more mature than a teen.

"Nice to meet you, Chikushdo Shido. Son of Chikushodo Shizue the Empress of Chikushodo family."She softly said as her eyes look at me with slight affection.

"Y-You know me?"I got surprised, this pure maiden knew me, Who is she?

"Yes, I know you very much."She smiled mysteriously as her eyes flashed. She seems thinking about the past.

"I-Is that so... Then can you help me get out in here?"I said pleadingly.

"Un, don't worry my child. You can get out here in this place whenever you want...but there is a slight problem."She assured me, comforted by a maiden that looked like a teenager is kind of weird. The latter part of her sentence made me wondered.

"Why? what is the problem."I asked.

"Shido, my child did you do something to Kuroe?"She asked me softly. She is not really showing so much emotion but only elegance and affections to me.

"Kuroe who?"Who the heck is Kuroe? I thought in my mind, searching for Kuroe in my memory. But I found no answers.

When I asked, Her eyelashes trembled, a hint of sadness cover her eyes, She bit her lips. But when I look at her, her expression turn back to normal. She is looking at me with sweet smile, I also return a smile to her.

"You forgot Kuroe?"She asked softly but her voice is slightly hoarse.

"Eh, I don't know who Kuroe is... To tell the truth, I lost my memories you see. I can't find any memories about a woman name, Kuroe...."I honestly replied. Lying to her seems impossible because I have a feeling she could see through my lies easily.

"I see..."She averted her gaze from mine as she look outside the window.

I wanted to continue to conversation but looking at her, I thought it would be rude to interrupt her. So I waited.

Standing on a red carpet, Staring at the beautiful fairy before me. What a lovely sight, No one could ever avert their eyes from watching this.

I don't know who she is, What she is to me. Maybe she is part of missing memories of Shido, but there is something peculiar happening in my heart. No, my emotion, I feel closeness with this girl before me but I can't seem to find the answer I'm looking for.

The mysteriousness of my family is already making me surprised but the mystery life of Shido is making me a bit jealous even though Shido is me. My past life perspective is envious of Shido getting acquainted with a very breathtaking beautiful maiden

She turn her attention to me again as she speak the language of gods.

"Shido, my child...I'd like to introduce myself to you. I am the keeper of White light and I am called, Shiroe no Hikari."She gracefully stands up as she slowly walk towards me, She then elegantly bow towards me.

I was so nervous that my heart was beating faster than a bullet train on trail. The closer she gets the more I get restless, It's not that I'm scared or annoyed but even though it's shameful to say this, She is just too heaven defying beautiful, No words could describe her beauty. I am afraid I would lose control of myself and would do something I would regret.

I gulp my saliva down to my throat as it slide down to my stomach making it ache.

"N-Nice to meet you, I'm Shido."I bow my head 90 degrees. I stuttered, My face blushed from shame. I thought 'what is happening to of all? This isn't like me at all...But this woman is great, breaking my cool self'

"Hahaha....Shido, my child don't be nervous."The maiden giggled watching my foolish appearance.

Anyway, She keep me addressing as a young boy, even though, the two of us look like the same in age. But, I won't be naive to think her and me are the same, cause in the beginning I could sense her magic power. She was stronger than my Mama. So I did not object her addressing me as a young boy.

I scratch my cheek with my index finger and got embarrassed.

"Okay, Shido, my child could you tell me how you got here....Also, why can I feel mana revolving inside you?"She softly asked.

I nodded my head. I'm sure I could trust her because I have a feeling she and I have close relationship. I was just following my heart.

"A black blook sent me into a space where time is halted, I was trapped inside for who knows how long... Fortunately, I have magic books with me inside or else I would be trapped inside for eternity... I practice everytime, I meditated then I started studying making a storage for mana. Unfortunately, without clue or hint where to start I randomly created storages inside my body for years. I was desperate to get out, I miss my family and wished I could get out and burn that black book that sent me into that space to ashes... I was ready to give up and hope I could see my family again in my next life.....At the edge of giving up, I remembered something that enlightened me...Then after that, I successfully created a storage for mana, I was so happy back then....Then I created a magic circle that I practiced for so many years, it was a spell that could destroy space....."I talk and talk all about what happened until some tears slide from my eyes. I did not wipe it but continued reciting. I don't know what is happening to me, Why am I telling her all about it...I just have a feeling it's okay to tell her.

What is in my mind is covered with pure sadness.

Before I could finish my words. I felt so warm, Something is covering my body. I look and realized, Shiroe is embracing me tightly as she pushed my head to her bountiful chest.

"It's okay, It's okay shussh."She brushed my hair as she patted my back with other hand.

I hesitated for a moment, then I hug her back.

This moment, more like this scene is the same as I did to Shizumi many years ago. Deja vu.


Advance chapters ---->
