Truth and Pain 1

Akane approached me. She tried helping me get down from the bed. "Shido, are you alright?"

"Thank you Akane, I'm alright." I smiled softly at her. I feel warmth in heart seeing her concern about me.

"But you just finished your surgery. You can't move around the wound might bleed." Akane look at me with worry. Anyway, She too was confused by the situation. Also, How could I move just after the surgery ended.

This girl, I'm really blessed to have a woman like her. She's too innocent, Despite she saw things that couldn't be explain in logical sense, She didn't asked or become afraid of us.

Akane is shocked to see things she doesn't understand, However, She didn't doubt Shido will harm her.

I stretch my hand towards her face, stroking her cheeks tenderly. "Don't worry about me, Most the wound is healed... Akane, I know you have questions in mind. I will tell you about it later, but first let's get out in here."

Akane nodded her head. "Okay..." Though, She still look at me worriedly. She even helped me walked although I'm already okay.

When we got out, Kana was waiting for us with Clothes in her hands. She hand it out to me. "Shido, here wear these first... Are you exhibitionist Shido?"

She then looked down and saw my little brother dangling around. I blushed being stared by her. I just realized this but, I'm naked. Akane looked at where Kana is staring, She then blushed red seeing the monster that penetrated her fortress many times.

I took the clothes as I bitterly smile. "Don't tease me Kana-nee."

"Why not? Sona and Reina loves tease you so much. I bet you enjoyed being teased by elder women right?" Raising one eyebrow while grinning. Is this really the woman whom I met the first day I woke up? Her character changed so much, Women are really scary creatures.

I released a exasperated sigh, I don't know how to deal with this. Honey words doesn't work on her... Hmmm? That might do.

Using magic to instantly wear the clothes or should I say kimono and a boxer, Although I can use my 'power' to wear the clothes I want to practice my magic too. Ignoring the shocked Akane and slightly surprised Kana. Kana's glasses flashed as she pushed the middle of the glasses with her index and middle finger.

"Shido, what is that?" Kana's toned change from teasing to serious.

"What?" While I was thinking of a plan to make her forgive me. She asked me somerhing thay confused me.

"How did you do it?" She asked.

"What did I do?" Tilting my head as I answer her question wirh questions.

"How did you wear the clothes so fast?" Kana move towards me. Pushing her breast against my chest, Her eyes turned serious that was new to me.

"You mean instant clothing?" I said.

"Yeah... so that's called instant clothing. " Kana move backwards as she cup her chin. Nodding her head that confused me further... then something clicked in her mind. "Besides, I could feel mana around you when you wore those. You'll give me an explanation later."

I nodded. "Of course I will tell you everything... let's go and find some place to talk."

Akane at the side was clueless about magic. I grab her hand and interwined it with mine causing Akane's cheeks to turn red. I also hold Kana's hand, but this girl decided to cling into my arms as she rest her head on my shoulder.

I don't really get women, Their mood keep changing. I don't how many times I repeated this but yes women are troublesome sometimes.


The three of us decided to talk in Kana's room instead. Cause we found out the lounge hall has many people chatting in there.

When we got inside at Kana's room. Kana asked me a lots of questions. I patiently answered her, Akane also asked me. After those intense round of interrogation, Kana arranged her glasses with her index and middle finger.

"So you telling me, You are not Shido but at same time you are him..." Kana creased her brows.

"Yeah that was I said." I nodded. Staring at her seriously, sitting with my back straight up.

Kana look at me trying to sense if I was joking with her. Seeing my solemn expression her face darkened.

Is she mad? Of course she will, after all I'm already not the Shido she loved. I remained stoic, however deep down in my heart I feel being hammered. It's so painful that I want to tear up.

Yes, I know telling her the truth would be bad. Because, Kana love Shido so much that she took care of him for 10 years of comatose. That's why I'm already prepared to face thr truth. I don't want to lie to them anymore, I want them to know who am I.

No matter how many times I told myself that me and Shido are one. However, You know in reality I feel guilty. Because I felt like I leaned towards my other self more than to Shido. I'm also scared to lose Kana and the others, I was so selfish from my own desire and didn't think seriously.

To tell the truth, I was just running away from reality... I became selfish and thought I can have a harem I wanted just like in my dream. The feelings of Kana and the others for Shido, I use that chance to make them mine... I realized how scum am I. The one who made me snap out from running away from reality is Shiroe. That's why I will resolved everything and face everything that will come to me.

I patiently waited for Kana's response.

As expected I gained another loud smacked on my face. Kana is glaring at me angrily. "Why!! Who are you?"

My heart pained when I recieved that slapped. But I know that this is my punishment for lying. Akane cover her mouth with her hand as she stared at us. She was shocked that I'm not Shido but, she didn't have any memories of the past shido so she was not really heavily attached with this Shido. She only saw the man before as the man who stole her heart. She didn't really care about my identity that much, in her heart I'm her lover.

"I am Shin. Kuromori Shin." I replied calmly to Kana. My eyes didn't waver seeing her trembling as she pointed angrily at me.

"Shin huh, so you are Shin. What did you do to my Shido?" She sat back down as she questioned me again.

"I don't know where he is. The moment I woke up, I'm already in this body." I said without hint of lying.

Kana became silent as she gripped her hand into fist. Slightly quivering. I have an impulse to comfort right now but I guess it would only worsened the situation.

"You said you have Shido's memories?" Her voice trembled.

"Yes, though I can't really remember all. There we're times it would trigger and memories flows into my mind." I nodded.

Hearing my responsed, something deep inside Kana felt sense of relief. But she didn't show it on her face. She still mad and cannot accept things right now. Looking at the man in front of her. It's her dear brother, the brother she loves so much. The one stole her heart sincr they we're kids. Today, She found out that inside his brother's body is not her brother. Kana of course would get scared and afraid, she remembered that how they had sex... Her heart quiveded by the thought of having sex someone she didn't know.

Kana's eyes moistened as tears flows down from her face. Right now, Kana didn't know what to do... she was stumped and doesn't know how to proceed. Would she continue their relationship? But, when that thought flashed into her mind. She could feel her heart tightened, pain.

Gripping my hand into fist. I watched Kana cry... Seeing her sad pained me so much. I want to hug and comfort her, I already love her so much. Without my consent, My body moves on its own....


Advance chapters ---->