
Seeing her full of expectations and excitement. I cannot help but smile wryly. I felt a little bit exhausted, mentally that is. I cannot get tired with just a few rounds. It's just this girl is harder to handle than I expected.

"Okay, I will teach you If I got permission on my side….But, I advise you not to tell anyone about our relationship and don't tell anyone that I was the one who help you with your disease. Not even your closest people, got it?"

Shakti smiled happily as if she heard the most pleasant sound in her life. She understood the consequences of news about her disease being cured by someone, People around her with malicious intent would do anything to find me. Shakti also didn't want me to get in trouble because of her.

Shakti nodded.

"Of course, you can count on me. I will not tell any soul about what happened here."

"That's great to hear."

Seeing her answer, I nodded in approval.

"Anyways, Let's get out of here. The smell of our liquid is stimulating me and I'm afraid I can't stop my lust."

I prepared to get away from her and change but I was stopped by her hand. She reached for my hand.

"What's wrong?"

Shakti smiled shyly her face blushing red. She tried to say something but stammered in the process.

"S-S-Sensei please wait…"

Looking at her puzzlingly for a few seconds before a flash of thought came into my mind. My mouth turns into a creepy smile. Interlocking my fingers with hers.

"So I guess you want to stay a little longer huh? Care to tell me what you want?"

Hearing that, Shakti's beautiful brown skin flushed, even more, redder as steam came up from her head. Shakti look at me in the eyes which could suck my soul as she shyly nodded.

"Don't make me say it. You bastard! That's embarrassing. You already know what I want, Why would you need to ask? Are you dumb?"

"Hmm, Welp I'm a dumb bastard and I don't quite understand what my precious girl wanted if she doesn't tell me.

Shakti was stumped at my bad acting.

"Who's your precious girl? Stupid!"

Shakti angrily snorted but she felt something warm deep in her heart, However, she didn't know what is that yet. As sheltered daughters of a high noble family, Shakti and Kali did not know the feeling of loving someone from the opposite sex.

She's not angry with me it's just a way of expressing her feelings. Yup, This was a real tsundere. Shakti found out that she likes to bicker with me and continues bickering with me.

I also find this kind of conversation peaceful and serene. Despite being noisy and annoying to others, I like this more.

Don't get me wrong. In my past life, I always thought that this kind of woman is annoying and should just shut the hell up. I wished I could stuff my dick inside that noisy mouth. Welp, On some I did but I didn't like it because they would constantly annoy you every day.

Reminiscing the past for a few seconds before shaking my head and ignore that. The past is the past, This is the new me.

"So you won't say it? Then I guess we are done here."

I pretend to get off the bed but Shakti gripped my hand tightly. She was glaring at me hatefully. I can hear her teeth grinding. I chuckled a little bit.

"Stop! Who told you I won't say it? hmph!"

"….Okay then tell me."

I asked bluntly but my heart was very happy and I enjoy seeing a tsundere girl being pushed into a corner. One of the reasons I love Tsundere is I want to shatter those attitudes and make them obey, In short, I love to dominate them… What a heartless man I am right? However, Even if I love to dominate tsundere girls, I would not do anything that would harm them and lose their dignity, Only a heartless man would do that.

"…I-I-I-I w-want…. ah I can't do this."

"Come on don't give up. You can do it."

I cheered her up. Shakti bit her lips as she saw me cheering at her.

"Bastard… I hate you…. Okay, you want me to say it. I-I will say it…. I want to do it with you again. I want you to fuck me. Is that enough."

Shakti said loudly as she felt ashamed when saying that. She balled her other hand into a fist while she was gripping my hand tightly.

I smiled as I lean forward. Shakti looks me in the eyes. She watch me getting closer to her until our lips connected. Shakti close her eyes as she release her hand from mine as she brought them around my neck.

I responded to her with my arms around her waist as I tightly pulled her from me. As we continue our passionate kiss. Shakti and I eagerly exchange saliva with one another. Our tongues intertwined causing an erotic and sloppy noise.

My hand reaches out for her butt and gives them a tight squeeze. Shakti jerked up as she scratch my back, I didn't feel any pain. However, I pretend to wince because I want to see her satisfied expression that 'See that, that's what you get'. Which earned my chuckle.

Although I receive a scratch from the back. I did not pause on rubbing her butt, On the contrary, I continued playing her two jiggle puffs.

As time passes, I inserted my cock inside her again as she moaned lustfully. Her wet pussy was soaking wet.

With that. We fucked…. For about 5 rounds.

The people outside didn't hear anything. They were oblivious to what is happening inside this room.

The person who might know what is happening here should be Shuuna.

As I was busy with Shakti, In other parts of Earth. A few individuals were busy chatting next to a large round table. These unknown individuals were covered by the shadow of the darkness.

"So I heard the swarm got annihilated?"

As all tens of individuals chat against each other. A deep cranky yet calm tone voiced out. All the people instantly shut up as they look at the person who spoke.

"The Japanese intercepted the swarm. I believe they are called the Students of Paradise Heart Academy."

"Master, I think we should send our elites to destroy those mongrels for interfering with our plans."

"No, No.6 We shouldn't do that, it's still too early. People around the world would become vigilant if we send our elite squad. We should make them believe that Zeruno is the remains of Earth Monsters, Zern."


The person called No. 6 became silent and agreed with the person who rebutted them.

"The Japanese huh….I heard they created this academy to suppress our side. I heard they were trying to investigate our artifact… I hope they could they could."

As the conversation continued. The deep voice earlier suddenly said.

"Order Yakara to investigate this Academy… They are a hindrance to our plan. Mother will not be silent if she heard our failure."

The people stopped talking and were shocked. One person tried to say something.

"But Master, Yakara is you know….Can she do it?"

"I don't know….I'm confident she won't be discovered, after all, she and humans don't have any difference."

That person wanted to retort but stayed silent and nodded. But they think 'No difference? Are you kidding me? That monster is much of a monster than us."