Devil's Apple

One was curious as to what was actually in there.

One grabbed the handle and slowly pushed the door open. As he peeked through the dark room, his eyes glowed and formed their own shadows. 

One then activated his night vision.

There he was, Wog, his temporary liege. Sleeping on a mattress on the floor, mouth open, snoring, his axe and sword scattered about. He then explored the room further and found several pots, a primitive stove, a big cauldron he was using for the soup and several wooden utensils. 

There wasn't anything suspicious. 

One was satisfied and slowly closed the door behind him.

"Maybe he is just some normal exiled nobleman," One thought.

After shutting the door closed, he went to the wooden chair by the side of one of the windows and sat there. He made sure to face both the window and Patricia from time to time, monitoring both.