The Paladin and The Knight

"Fuck," a sweaty Count Drian was sat on his throne. Both hands over his face, both elbows on his thighs. 

In his throne room laid the bodies of the knights that were supposed to guard him. But the moment they heard of the rebellion that had begun outside of this castle, they drew their swords and tried to take down lady Anne and seize the count.

But Lady Anne was a knight, although she was a disavowed knight from the Empire's Knighthood, she was still a formidable paladin.

But Lady Anne, despite her strength and time in the Empire's Knighthood, did not, for the love of all things knightly, have good common sense. 

Instead of trying to break their way out through one of the tunnels, she thought that making a stand and defeating the leaders of the rebellion would allow them to get back into power.