Demonstration Of Power

No bishop, no priest. No church nor pope. On this calendar day, 24th of the latter season. In the presence of representatives from the outer and inner district. 

Backed by a being of immense power and an elf of magic. Wog, the dwarf who was exiled from his people for his defiance of Imperial authority, was crowned king. 

A few days after the eastern wall's destruction, reconstruction had begun with expert guidance from One himself. Approximate 40 percent of the Fortress City's workforce were placed in reconstruction projects while the rest were to be farmers, labourers, and cleaners. 

The total garrison numbered around two thousand in contrast to the previous number of three thousand.

One thousand soldiers were the accumulated lost for both sides in the uprising that happened. Those who were found with no crimes in their time as soldiers were buried in a mass grave outside of the city, a few meters from the farmland.