Chapter 3:

I drove south. I was driving a lot slower than I did the last time we went to Lionsville. I hadn't planned on getting back in the business but after Dylan explained the whole description, my stomach dropped. If it's who I think it is, then I won't have to deliver him anywhere because he's not going to last more than a few seconds.

Dylan was talking to Aspen who was in human form in the backseat. Dylan knew she could shift but he didnt know I gave her the powers. He also doesn't know I have powers. I didn't look the same as I did when I left home. I got my reddish brown hair dyed light brown and my body structure is a lot more built then it was before. I wear a black mask most of the time too. If he knew that I had powers then he'd instantly know who I really am. Everyone in this side of the hemisphere have heard of Carla. They all know who she is, what she's done, and what she's capable of.

Not only would he leave, but he would try to kill me. Carla is #1 on the "kill on site" list. She's got tons of other assassins trying to hunt her down.

Little do they know that I was among them and even hunt with them. I work with the same people who want to murder me.

Isn't that ironic.

It's the reason I changed my name to Blaire. When I was kidnapped I heard them talking about Carla and I decided to change my name, Blaire Stevens was the first name to pop in my head.

I told them my parents were murdered right after the explosion.

They believed me obviously. I hid my identity for my own protection. They want to kill all the people with powers. What they dont realize that even Hannah, the weakest, sweetest person who was on my team, could wipe them all out in a matter of seconds. She wouldn't even get shot once.

Gena and Cleo are still on the list. Henry and Charlotte are from the future so they don't even know they exist. I also took their powers after they came here so they don't even have powers.

It works out I guess.

"Blaire, what made you change your mind?" Aspen asked.

"It's just another murderer, it's not hard to do a one day job," I lied. I had got good at lying in the past year.

I was paying attention to the road but all I could think about was my friends. Getting justice for their gruesome murders. I zoned out. I didnt really feel anything. You'd think I'd be angry, or sad. I felt... blank. That day circled my mind. Hannah's body flying across that field, Liam's head being crushed. Sage and Sarah being beaten to death. Ryder being grabbed by his ankles and beaten against a tree. Paige being beaten. Axel being drilled into the ground. Nathan having Leo thrown at him and being crushed under the weight. Carter half phasing in a tree. Eclipse being beaten. Madelyn being chucked through a tree. The smell flooded my nostrils. I could still smell the blood. That field was covered in it. I could still smell it.

"Owww," Dylan complained.

My eyes opened to a shattered windshield. The car was upside down.

Aspen's cries sounded from behind me.

"Is everyone alright?" I yelled through the smokey car.

"I hit my head," Dylan said.

"My leg is stuck, Blaire my leg is stuck," Aspen cried.

I tried to turn to look at her but my leg had a branch going through in and buried through the ceiling. We must've hit a tree.

"Me too," I answered calmly.

"Oh my gosh," Dylan gasped, "Blaire are you okay?"

I turned my head to see him staring at me. He had blood coming from his forehead.

We were on the ceiling of the car because the truck didn't have seatbelts.

I forced myself to turn to look at Aspen. A crunch sounded from my leg and Aspen cringed at the sound. My movement had ripped skin.

"Blaire, the truck is on fire," Dylan noticed.

"Get out of the car before it explodes," I told him.

"I'm not leaving you two."

"Get out of the truck Dylan, I'll get Aspen and myself out," I explained. I winced as I grabbed the branch and tried to stand.


"Get out!" I yelled.

He broke the window out and crawled out.

"Aspen, is there something going through your leg?" I asked.

"Yes it's metal," Aspen cried.

"Okay, stay still, I'll get you out," I assured her.

She continued to cry in pain.

I took a deep breath and cut the branch with my powers so it poked out on either side but was still in my leg. Blood started pouring out as it tried to heal the blood vessels.

I took in another breath and turned towards Aspen. She was whimpering in pain. Her whole body was shaking and blood covered the ceiling beneath her.

"Okay," I whispered.

"It's bad isn't it?" Aspen cried.

"Just stay still."

I put my hand on the metal and she instantly winced in pain.

"Breathe Aspen, you're going to be okay," I whispered to her. I used my power to cut the metal and the top and bottom so it pokes out about an inch on either side.

"If Dylan asks-"

"That's how big the bar was," Aspen whispered back.

I nodded.

I grabbed her wrist and pushed her infront of me to get her out of the flipped truck. She accidentally cut her face on the glass poking from the window. I did the same thing to the inside of my opposite leg as I dragged myself out.

Dylan helped me stand and walk to a few meters away.

He looked at my leg, "We need a tourniquet."

Dylan grabbed his sleeve and ripped it off. I snatched it from his hand and limped over to Aspen who was sitting on the floor writhing in pain.

I tied it tightly at her thigh. Dylan reached into his bag and pulled out the emergency medical care box. We carry one just incase we're attacked.

I reached into the box and grabbed the needle and thread. Dylan pulled the metal rod out of her leg and I stitched it up. She bled a lot which worried me.

"Your turn," Dylan said after I finished wiping off Aspen's stitches with a wet cloth.

"I can do it," I insisted as I sat back and grabbed the bloody tourniquet off the ground. I wrapped it around my leg and quickly yanked the branch out. Dylan sat back in shock as I stitched up my own leg without flinching, cringing, or showing any kind of pain or discomfort. I finished in a few minutes.

"I could've helped," Dylan declared as I started to stand up.

"Yeah but I can do it," I said with a smile. He helped Aspen stand to her feet.

I could feel my wounds already healing.

I forced myself to trudge through the forest. We were only about two or so miles from Lionsville, we'll make it there in about an hour.

Dylan trailed behind us. I could tell he was thinking. My stomach dropped at the possibilty that he's found out who I am.

We were only walking for about twenty minutes when we froze. Aspen immediately shifted into a wolf at what we saw.

Piercing golden eyes shown through the dark forest. The half moon barely lit up trees.

Something about those eyes seemed familiar. A vicious growl erupted from the area the eyes were. The growl seemed familiar.

It clicked.

"You're trespassing on Lionsville territory, you're going to have to come with me," a deep, voice came from the golden eyed animal.
