

-Two Years Later-


"Catalina, drop your toy!" Carter yelled. He was smiling real big as he chased the medium sized tan dog around the backyard.

I sat in a white lawn chair in the grass outside the porch. The midsummer sun felt as if it was melting my skin, however I wanted to get a tan.

"Mama!" Rachel squealed happily from the grass. She was three now and was already speaking in complete sentences. I guess the eighteen of us talking to her almost constantly helped her learn words quicker.

We have four dogs now. Luna and Gemini, two female black dogs that wandered into the backyard one day. Carter fed them and they decided they live here now. Gemini, the bigger sister, is weird to say the least. She sleeps on her back, leaving her stomach up and sometimes her eyes stay open. Luna, the smaller one, is loud. She never stops whining. I already checked her and there's nothing wrong, she just never shuts up. Luna likes to bark at leaves that blow across the yard during autumn. It's funny to watch her start to try to attack them and then run away like she's afraid.

The other two are Catalina and Georgia. Catalina is four now. She loves to play with all the other dogs but Carter is definitely her favorite human. She never wants to be very far away from him and prefers to play with him instead of the other three dogs. Georgia is a smaller dog, she's a puppy but you can tell she's not getting any bigger than knee height. Georgia likes to cuddle with Rachel. I think Rachel is her favorite person but that might just be the fact Rachel never stops eating and is always feeding the dogs human food.

Rachel was laughing because Georgia was licking her face. I smiled real big at the sight and then diverted my attention to Liam and Kathy who were cooking on a grill a few meters away. Ryder and Paige were fighting Gena and Axel in the pool. The girls were on the guy's shoulders and trying to knock each other off. My smile continued as my attention switched to Nathan and Hannah. They were sitting in the grass, Nathan's arm was around Hannah's shoulder. The sunlight was shining off a ring on her left hand. He had proposed to her just a few months ago.

It was a Valentine's day present a week after her birthday.

Aspen and Eclipse started dating last year around Christmas time.

Charlotte and Henry were finally getting along.

Everyone else was chilling in the grass socializing with one another. I was sitting apart from everyone with Rachel.

Carter jogged over to us and sat down on the grass with Rachel. Her absolutely gorgeous blue/green eyes almost glowed in the summer sun. She immediately jumped into his arms as soon as he sat down.

"How's the littlest one today?" He joyfully asked Rachel as he started to tickle her.

"Stop! Stop!" She playfully squealed.

Carter stopped tickling Rachel and smiled up at me. I was already smiling at the two of them being crazy together.

I looked past the two of them when a rustling in the bushes caught my eye. My whole body stiffened, I jumped from my seat, and positioned myself to be infront of Carter and Rachel before I even realized what I was doing. It was instinctive to protect them, I didn't even have to think about it.

A white figure walked out of the forest.

White wings draped on her back.

A white mask covered her nose and mouth.

And I'll never forget those blue/green eyes.

Everyone froze as they saw this angel looking girl walk directly towards me.

I knew she wasn't an angel because I had met her before. I knew her now. She calls me mother in this timeline, but why would her future self come back. Did I not teach her anything?

"Mom," She declared loudly, "We're under attack."