Utterly lost

Timothias cried...

He'd been lost for 3 days in this forest which seemed to slowly be changing as the trees were becoming steadily more unfamiliar the more he got lost in this overgrown sparsely populated northeastern forest. Once part of the Mohawk tribes territorys of North America.

"Where is everyone why did they leave me, what did I do!" screeched Timothias who was long since separated from his entire class.

It all started on the field trip to examine the many different types of plant life for botany 101. He had snuck off to follow his crush Sara, and when he had attempted to sneakily watch her relieve herself he got caught.

"So you just love looking at me pissing huh, PERVERT!!! Stay away from me you're disgusting!" He simply gulped as he was looking at her vagina which was dripping wet as her jeens and yellow laced panties were down below her knees. She ran over towards him fell and scraped her upper thigh while at the same time attempted to cover her special place. She promptly rushed at him and threw a weak punch at his head. Colliding with his right temple he collapsed "uuh" and she ran off.

It would take 12 hours before anyone remembered the small and annoying Tim.

Timothias walked in what seemed the right direction for several hours but instead of finding safety he ended up finding only silence wildlife was becoming steadily more scarce and the trees and undergrowth steadily less familiar to him as one who grew up in a cabin in the northern appalachian mountains he was experienced with plant life. He drank water from the occasional stream and on the third day he couldn't find any familiar looking berry's. In fact the only barries he did find were red with black splotches which he deemed both familiar and seemingly toxic.

Then it hit him " holy shit I'm not in America anymore none of these plants seem to even exist!" They were odd shapes sometimes they were like spirals of trees and once a tree seemed to wave at him but it was a purple tree with crisscrossing black X's along the tree making it so insane he couldn't admit to himself that the tree in fact waved when already the tree was too insane to be imaginable. And must therefore be imaginary.

He slept hungry. That night the temperature was very inconsistent with typical weather in Appalachian Pennsylvania. This confirmed his now certain hypothesis that he was in fact no longer in America but maybe not even on earth.

Suddenly he stopped moving. Fear clenched his muscles and his heart trembled. His face, turned grim with his very body shaking he sought to turn back and run but his own curiosity and desire pushed him forward. The wall that seemed to be the color of the rainbow, viscous and rolling like water almost like a lake with slight tremblings across the surface. The colors clashing and a beam of light shone through from the other side.

He then realized that he seemed to be in supreme darkness and to turn back meant to growth through a deep shadow.

"hahahaha well isn't this fantastic, a strange magical like wall and behind me darkness to rival mordor, I really am in a bind let's just hope I don't drown."

He stepped through the rainbow and his body which seemed to be muddy on the inside was washed clean. The darkness, dirt and filth of his insides seemed to clear. It reminded him of all those stories he used to read about. Those stories about cultivators who would purify thier body in order to become cleaner and stronger when cultivating thier powers.

Little did he know he was in fact purified beyond any this world had ever seen as none before had come from the new earth since the hopeful creation.

He stumbled his head aching from his earlier contusion. He walked through a waning sun. And he stumbled over a log and the last thing he remembered was "oh no".