The gifted

As White Lily glared daggers at Tim Raech stepped in front of him in order to distract her fiery glare.

"He looks innocent and is indeed a very nice gentleman he won't hurt anyone we will place him under our protection and make sure that he doesn't stain our sect with his presence."

"Silence Marisella, Suzanna you have taken responsibility correct."

'she nods'

"Zaila what do you think of this man do you trust him," known for her excellent judge of character Zaila is often called on to distibute wise judgment by the sect due to her natural endowment of wisdom. This wisdom allowed her not only to accel at mental cultivation but also in spiritual cultivation making her an ideal future sect master.

The sect master sat on her florally designed thrown which shown in the brilliance of spring flowers from yellow to blue the colors fluttered across the thrown. "ugh" Timothias was so suprised he couldn't hold back from gasping as he was certain that was a magical thrown. The cathedral hallway was beautiful and ornate with stain glass windows silver and gold intermingled florally designed pillars. As well as a mosaic on the roof showing off the sects history and power as well as far to the back where it expressed the atrocities and horrible actions of men.

"Let this boy be tested", however if he makes one slip up I will personally extinguish him.

"yes Master," said the four girls as Raech was shivering and then clung to his arm.

She reminded him of his sister Jessica the only girl who ever was nice to him despite being ugly and perverted as was his lot in life that he was unable to hide his perverted thoughts from showing on his face.

'Wow that master is beautiful those white flowing robes I can't imagine what she's hiding her face is so goergous. why can't they see my expressions on my face anymore do they not recognize lust?'

He walked over to mirror with the images of two exotically dressed women formed into the sides. Working down his boner he looks at himself and gasps.


The girls rush over and collect smelling salts to wake him up.

His shock at seeing himself in the mirror was too much. From his chiseled jawline to his aquamarine eyes. He didn't recognize himself in a word he was too attractive. The very image of what he wanted to become on earth was now his reality.

He woke up and spent two minutes trying to stop hyperventilating. Then he stood up looked into the mirror and touched it however instead of leaving a mark the two women started to glow. The feet, the legs, the lower torso all lighting up in sequence. The girls were staring at the two girls and gasped as they had never seen someone light up both women simultaneously. Then it kept going to thier boobs and shoulders finally to thier heads. Which both were mirror images of eachother so they caused a perfect lighting effect on his face which caused even the sect masters legs to weaken.

As something dripped down Jalisandra's thighs she gasped as the entire mirror immited a light so bright that it threatened to break. After the girls the light had slowly woven around the mirror until the very mirror itself was on fire with a translucent blue.

He was too powerful for the mirror meaning he had more potential than the intire sect combined. With no cultivation at all he had broken the mirror. Suzanna noticing that he seemed to be struggling standing up caught his head in her breasts as she carried him to the floor. Her plump boobs made the perfect pillow.

She was far from calm, in fact she had left a wet mark on the floor beneath her as the power and potential made her desire him above anything. Coupled with his presence and face she was doing her best not to take him to her bed that instant. The rest of the girls were all the same except for Raech who didn't understand why her red cherry panties were wet so she assumed she pissed herself. She awkwardly held her hands against her waist causing her pink robes to get damb.

Inside of Timothias' body his spiritual essence was collecting and condescending in his dantian.