Isn't that nifty

His breakthrough to the chi pathway expansion realm was indeed a massive achievement. Because of the sheer power of his cultivation breaking through what would normally take a year or two due to the desire to maximize potentail and chi power was done in a few days.

His chi was so full and powerful coupled with His dantian and pathways being so bloated when he received the pure yin chi melding with his yang chi he broke through immediately. The chi expansion realm was opening up the dantian further in order to become more powerful and full of potential.

His chi was so powerful that the expansion of his pathways was not only easy but beyond effective. His chi not only was at the most possible for a human body at his cultivation level but also for the other species of other foreign species that roam the stars.

However, there was exception for this 19 year old boy inheritor of the universal master who was often hated by those who unfortunately had beautiful women in their families. His tendencies were that of see a beauty and make her his.

He felt that the only breakthrough would be to start body cultivation through the ultimate technique. (little did he know that he was actually being prompted by the power of the cultivation tome)

As he felt this urge he sent his mental aura into the elemental cultivation book and attempted to meld with it.

With a shock instead of his mind melding with it. His body began to transform.

It turned scaled and flashed in many symbols representing the elements and colors flashing in colors which flickered by too fast to be counted.

Then his body became to be sucked inwards outwards it began to melt combust reconstruct freeze all within milliseconds. His body being torn up and put back together all under the effect of all the elements and powers from everywhere in the universe. His undying will go persevere got him through the unimaginable pain that destroyed his nerves a million times over. Such excruciating pain that if he didn't have the power of the tome protecting him as the method itself was the bestowal of a dragon and no one could withstand that other than another dragon or a being so powerful that it overwhelmed the dragon itself.

His body cultivation rocketed past the first and second level reaching the third in an instant due to this his dantian pathways aligned also with his body. So his intire body was then filled with pathways connectings his chi and strength together so that should one be taken the other could compensate.

It is the ultimate cultivation path. His body became impervious to all means of destruction at his level and due to this newfound power he had broken into the chi Manipulation realm. His power too great to be understood. (little did he know that the intelligence within the tome would have a plan to make him respect the power he had been given so that he wouldn't become foolish or complacent.

He looked through the cultivation tome and found weapons. His interest in swords was non-existant. He instead fell in love with the idea of knives.

After studying the theory of knives for two weeks he requested to be taken to the store to find what he desired.

Being escorted by the sect master was both intimidating and also effective at making him very prideful of his gift and in turn made him narcissistic.

He went to the clothes store first. Full of women's gowns and apparel he went to the woman in the back who excelled in plant life particularly plant fibers in weaving clothes.

"Do you have any black fabric?"

"No but we can make some why?"

"I was wondering if you can make this." Showing her a trench coat like jacket that opened up and had holders for knives all across the inside designed as a knife lovers dream.

Upon waiting an hour he recieved his black trenchcoat under the vigilant and condescending eyes of the White Lily.

'That bitch is mine I will take her pussy and fuck her before the intire sect.