Princes of Hell(edited)

Princes of Hell. Long time ago most of the people in K city fear that name. Whenever they heard of Princes of Hell, they knew a certain doom is looming over someone's fate. They consists of 7 powerful men in business, military and political. Although each of them from families that have family's company but all these seven men decided to pursue their own dream or even challenge their family's business just for fun. Testing their power instead of being just a wealthy young master in their family. If someone ever tries to mess up with any of them, all seven of them will retaliate. Not so severe because they intended to make their life on earth is equal with living in hell. All of them had a name befitting their image. Satan, Mammon, Belphagor, Beelezebub, Leviathon, Asmodeus and lastly Lucifer. If they want to end someone's fate straight away, they will send Lucifer to handle the matter. Not many knew who Lucifer is because he rarely shows up. No one wants him to show up because they knew their end is near if he comes. But right now, after they've been quite for the last 5 years they suddenly make a scene and even worse to call out Lucifer's name to give Young Master Allister his punishment must have meant he have offended them greatly.

"And that's how you do it my dear sister." The man that has a bit of facial hair and called himself Belphagor is Jason. The CEO of Ally Star Entertainment. Leisurely he hung his arm onto Alicia's shoulder. Alicia gritted her teeth trying to suppress her anger. Who cares about the real thing? I wouldn't even want to do it no matter how anyone put a knife on my neck. I rather lose my life than doing that sort of Power Rangers thing.

"Should i be pleased then?" She sneered at him coldly.

"Well, you should. Because in the past you said it was cool and we look handsome doing it." This time Jason aka Asmodeus butt in. Hanging his arm onto Alicia's other shoulder.

"Get off me you freak. You're going to make me to look like i'm a dwarf. I'm still growing. And mind you, that was 7 years ago. You guys are still young and wild back then. Unlike now,,,Ugh... I can't believe you guys still do that. It hurts my eye, ruin my appetite." Alicia nagged at them.

"Auchhhh... Ralph, help me. Our sister is in her rebellious stage. To think she was cute back then. Now everything we do is just an eyesore for her. This brother is sad." Daryl throws a sad look while clutching his chest. Alicia could only rolled her eye.

"Young lady, don't be rude. You've been gone for 5 years and only got back today. Bear with it for once in a while. They want to celebrate your return." Ralph her big brother among them starts to interfere.

"Last week." Alicia said while looking away.

"What do you mean by last week?" Ralph asked, frowning. Alicia suddenly feels her throat dry all of sudden. She gave a light cough.

"Please don't get mad." Alicia clasp her hand together and look down feeling guilty.

"Alicia...explain." The stern voice make her wince.

"I arrived last week." Meekly she answer but still unable to stare at him.






"...What????" Ralph roared. Hurriedly, Alicia hide behind Grey and Daryl because at least both of them can hold Ralph when he's angry. Grey and Daryl could only chuckled looking at her behavior. She never change.

"Grey, Daryl, move away from there. Let me talk some sense with this brat. She dare to lie to me. Don't hide her away from me. Alicia, come here right this instance. I want you to explain everything to me. I don't want anymore secrets. Where have you been living for the past few days? No, i don't care where you've been living, i want you to come back home with me right by hook or by crook."

Still hiding behind Grey and Daryl, she peeked at the angry big brother of hers.

"But Ralph, I already paid for the place. It's close to the hospital and i don't need to use car."

"No. That's out of question. I can send you to work or hired a driver for you. The point is you lied to me and now you're making the decision on your own. It's dangerous. Do you want me to imprison you?" Alicia starts to tear up. No matter how old she is if Ralph got angry with her, automatically she will feel sad. She knows she did wrong but she wants to have her own place so not to disturb Ralph and his family. Looking at Ralph condition right now, he won't listen to anything she says. She picked up her jacket and glare at him.

"I hate you!!!" With that she ran out of the bar leaving them behind. Ralph was stunned when he heard her declaration. Helplessly, he looked towards the CCTV inside the bar knowing 'he' is watching the whole thing. The man behind the laptop could only shook his head and proceed to do what he always do whenever both of them have a quarrel.

"You really need to control that temper of yours. Now you made her cry and you let someone else took care of your mess." Aaron said while handing a drink to Ralph.

"Sigh... I can't lose her again Aaron. The day that i saw her laying on the ground with blood running out here is still fresh in my head. I never want to see that to happen ever again. Someone is still after her. It worries me whenever she comes back to K city. It's not safe for her."

"But we'll always be around her. She have all of us. She need her freedom Ralph. Giving her freedom, it doesn't mean we still can't watch after her. She's not only your sister. She's our sister as well. Remember that." Daryl said.

"I know. I know. Now she hates me."

"You know that's not true. Among us, she only listen to you and will always tell you everything." Grey pats his back.

Ralph only smile a little. He could only nod and continue on drinking. The issue on Young Master Allister has been forgotten just like that. Even though they let them off, they're not worried since they already give their verdict. The rest is up to Lucifer.

"She's been with us for the last 8 years. To this day, i'm still surprised how did she ever survive living in that horrid family and how she survive from that accident. She was cute back then." says Jason while chuckling.

"And i'm still cute now." A gentle soft voice interrupts their conversation. Before Ralph could turn around, Alicia already hugged him from behind.

"I'm sorry i yelled at you. I'm sorry i lie at you. I didn't mean what i said just now. I'm sorry Ralph. I'm sorry." Ralph stiff back finally ease down knowing she comes back. Her sister. The sister that she asked his parent to adopt. The sister that he's willing to fight for. And the only sister that he loves. Patting her hand he forgive her.

"I'll let you move to your own place only if i find it safe for you and i'll ask Grey to send few bodyguards for you. No question asked." Alicia starts to pout but eventually she agree to everything. Others who are watching could only smile and grin. It's something that they always see.