
Alicia who was making waffles and at the same time flipping pancakes was startle when she heard the Tarzan calling out her name. She immediately turn off the stove and hide in between Daisy and Raphael. Daisy was giggling while Raphael shot her a mom-still-can-see-you look. She rolled her eyes upward. As if she didn't know that but these two are her biggest shield at the moment. Not long, Delilah who's wearing a flower dress which really enhance her softness look standing at the entrance of the kitchen searching for the her victim. Her hand on her hips as her eyes wonders before landing on her two kids who's sitting by the island counter top. In between her kids, the main victim is poking her head out staring at her.

"Alicia!!! You better move away from my kids and tell me what you did. I want an explanation." What softness? She might as well wear a wrestling suit as she give out her orders. Standing in between Raphael and Daisy, Alicia grinned widely.

"Ah,,, my beautiful sister in law. Do you miss me? I miss you too. I cook you your favourite breakfast meal. You must have been famished with all the 'hard work' last night. Come, let's have breakfast with Raphael and Daisy." Alicia try to stir away Delilah's anger. She must have known that she's not going to stay here and she found other place to stay.

"You, don't you try to change the topic. What's this thing about staying at your place? Why can't you stay here with us? Come here. And stop hiding behind my kids." Upon hearing that, no one notice Raphael's face start to change. Alicia however was someone who's very sensitive and notice his shoulder stiffen after hearing the news. She immediately pat his shoulder and smile sweetly at him. His gloomy face start to brighten up again and nod his head. It's like there's some sort of unknown communication between them that even his own parents don't understand.

"Can we sit down and have a proper breakfast first? After that you can question me all you want." Alicia said while hinting at Delilah who finally notice her son behaviour. She cooled down immediately.

"You better be cooking my favourite steam bun and dumplings." Alicia rolled her eyes as she took out the steamed buns with fillings in it. Delilah's appetite is unlike others especially when it comes to breakfast. Having married her brother for almost 8 years now, she's no longer surprise at her request. Thankfully her kids is not that choosy when it comes to food. They just eat whatever it is as long as she's the one who cooks it. What Alicia don't know is, they only like her food but when their mother or the maids is cooking, they become their worst nightmare.

"And my special breakfast set Alicia." Ralph who join after casually sit on his designated seat and grinned. Alicia shot him a glare before proceeding on preparing her brother's special breakfast. It consists of egg Benedict with bread muffin and some bacon. He always request this set whenever she's around. Claiming it's the best breakfast set that he ever eaten. Not knowing if it's true or not, she happily serve him the breakfast set. After handing Ralph's special breakfast set, she sat along with kids and ate her own simple meal. The table was filled with laughter and teasing. Raphael would occasionally put food on her plate and she would rub his head while smiling. Daisy, not wanting to be left behind would feed Alicia with her hands. Ralph and Delilah who saw that scene couldn't help but be envy and at the same time happy.

"Such a loud morning. Mind if we join you?" A man who almost look like Ralph but a little bit older walked in hand in hand with a woman who aged beautifully. Despite the age of 45's and 40's they both look sturdy, handsome and beautiful at the same time.

"Grandpa, grandma."

"Mom, dad."

Raphael, Daisy and along with Alicia rush towards them before pulling them into a hug. Afraid of squashing the two brats, she picked up Daisy and leave a little bit space for Raphael to hug his grandparent. She too, joined in and like a little kid she kissed their cheek as she hugged them tight. She thought she was being dramatic. Apparently her mother is more dramatic than she is when she cry.

"Why are you crying? You're not happy to see me?" Alicia as usual would revert back into teasing as she suddenly became shy. Her mother, Jennifer Lynn or Mrs Xander retort back by pinching her cheek causing her to yelp. She hurriedly put Daisy down in case she might drop her for trying to get away from the pinching monster. It's painful. However, her mother kept hold onto her and pull her into tight hug, hitting her back at the same time.

"Bad girl. How could you do this to us? Why would you want to go and volunteer at that country? I could have lost you. If it wasn't for your brother and your father stopping you, i might receive your coffin today." Mrs Xander straight away scold her. She's still traumatize when she heard about her news trying to join that volunteer work. Although Alicia didn't come out from her own womb but during the time she got adopted by them, she always think of her as her real daughter. The daughter that she could never have.

Alicia who got scold only smile thinly as she hug her mother back and try to console her. She realize her decision back then was like sending herself to suicide but she's a doctor. And due to the nature of her job, she didn't think the decision that she made back then is bad. When she saw the people who are in need, she forgot about everything. But now she's in the arms of her mother and to hear her cry, she seem to fail being a good daughter for her.

"I'm sorry mom. I'm sorry. I won't do it again. I promise." She said slowly. Her mother nodded her head and she look up to see her father eyes are red. She hold out her other hand and he gave her a warm hug.

"Don't forget us. Group hug." Ralph broke the emotional moment. And in that hour, they cried enough, laugh heartily and live with their love one in their warm embrace. The house filled with endless warmth and love.