We saw her

In The Anderson's mansion, two messy looking ladies enter the house feeling annoyed. One hid her expression really well, while the other scream at the top of her lung causing the older woman who was putting a mask on her face startled. She immediately took off the mask and ran out the bedroom and head towards the living room. There, Jenna was thrashing about someone while her daughter sits there with tears in her eyes.

"What happen?" Lady Elaine asked before sitting down next to her daughter. She inspect her daughter up and down to see a small bruise on her arm.

"How did this happen? Who hit you? Where else you got hurt?" She gasped and immediately asked her maid to bring out ointment to soothe the bruises.

"Mother..." Stephanie said before crying into her mother's arm.

"It's all because of that s*** Lady Elaine. She dared to embarrass us in front of a lot of people and even push us on the floor. She almost pour us the hot soup. But luckily we manage to dodge it. Otherwise Stephanie will end up having scars on her face and on mine as well. I can't afford to have scars otherwise my modelling career will fall. And Stephanie won't be able to meet clients." Jenna told Lady Elaine a bunch of lies while Stephanie just let her be without any intention to correct the whole story. Her heart was fuming when she remembered how terrified and embarrassed she became the moment she got push on the floor. No one was willing to help her. They just left one by one making them to pay a settlement to the owner of the restaurant. They eventually got blacklisted by the owner. While that b**** manage to get away freely.

"Who?" Lady Elaine started to get angry.

"It was sister." Stephanie said in her grief.

Lady Elaine finally snapped. Her hands are trembling as if holding onto her last bit of rationality.

"We haven't heard her ever since the accident. And your dad said she's dead. How did this happen? Why didn't you bring her home?" Lady Elaine almost lost her composure.

"We tried. But sister, she didn't acknowledge us and instead she push us away for making a scene. Mother, could it be sister lost her memory?" Stephanie asked.

"Huh,,, I doubt it. She didn't lose her memory. By the way she talked to us, it doesn't seem like she lost her memories." Jenna said smugly.

"Do you know where she is now? Do you know where she lives and with who?" The question sound urgent but Jenna didn't think much as she was still angry with Alicia. However, Stephanie caught it straight away. She look at her mother and her mother gaze told her she'll let her know later.

"We don't know. We just saw her there. And all we know, she uses Rolls Royce and her attire is more expensive than what we own." Jenna said nonchalantly. Thinking about the limited dress that Alicia wore making her gritted her teeth.

"Is this true?" Lady Elaine look at her daughter and Stephanie nodded solemnly.

Seeing that, Lady Elaine unconsciously clenched her fist tightly. She must bring Alicia back to the house. It's the only way to get the money from that old man. Right now, Anderson's company isn't doing so well but she's been hiding it from her daughter. And the only solution to it is to have money to invest more on the company. Anderson's father is the only person who's capable of giving them the fund that they need. Unfortunately, Anderson's father, Mr Clark only care for his real granddaughter, Alicia. He even put Alicia's name as one of the company's shareholder. The house that they live in, the company that Anderson build and including Mr Clark's empire. All of it are under Alicia's name. No one can touch it. Not even her own father. Only Alicia can do what she wanted with it. Which is why she need to drag that s*** back to the house just so she can force her to give them all of those. According to what Jenna said, she suspected it was Mr Clark who has been helping her and providing her since she can afford all that luxury. She need to put an end to this. By hook or by crook, all of that will be hers. She won't live her life in poverty anymore.