Code Xero (edited)

"Have you found out their whereabouts?" Code Xero asked as soon as she reach the secret hideout. She took off the hideous mask on her face and finally be able to breathe freely.

Uno who's in the middle of 'battling' furiously on the laptop snorted. Not bothering to look up, he perfectly knows who's asking. If it isn't the person who has been given a long holiday due to her own facade. It's tiring enough to handle the mission, she even have the energy to handle the people around her. This is the reason why he chose to be living in virtual life instead of reality.

"No coffee, no instant noodle? That's the first thing you asked the moment you reached here?" Uno retorted.

"It's not good for you. Brought you carrot though. It's better." She tossed the baby carrot that she packed and landed on his desk. He look at it as if he was looking at his enemy.

"You think i'm a rabbit? I need real food with plenty of artificial ingredients that will destroy your stomach and ended with bulky stomach. Unlike the one that you're giving." She rolled her eyes upward and decided to ignore this ridiculous person. Ever since they were introduced to be in a group, she's gotten used to his unexplained weird attitude.

"Their whereabouts." She reminded him. He stuck out his tongue but still gave the info that she wanted.

"Need to wait for Deux. She had to cover your work since you just had to break several of your ribs and manage to get your heart stabbed by your own bone. Didn't you learn anything at all during our training days?" He berated her. He still can't believe this person dares to pull such stunt to herself. Even their superior was furious with her daring move. Just for the sake of hiding her identity. Such a tough life.

"Sometimes, that sort of stun can only be master by me." She said proudly but was soon to be crying in pain when the back of her head hit something. Or someone hit her. She turned and was about to glare at the person when she recognized the stern looking old man who's about to give her 'hell'.

"Master Nil. You're here. Do you have any more mission for us?" She asked nervously. What she got is another hit from him which she avoided but he was not satisfied. He chase after her despite his old age, he is still looking fit.

"You brat. Stand still and receive your beating. What sort of human will let themselves be hit and injured like that? Do you take this old man lightly? I have trained you over the years and yet you wanted to throw your life away just like that." He roared at her all the while jumping from walls to walls just to catch his agile and pain in the neck cohort. How did he got such a troublesome team? Especially bearing the code name Xero. This wasn't the first time his Googol team made him having such a heart attack whenever he receive reports about them. But over the years, whoever bears the code name Xero will surely be troublesome for him. Especially the original Xero. Giving him so much heartache and she's the worst of all. Always making him worried about her reckless acts and daring plan. And months ago he received reports on another of her antique. She's going to be the death of him if he didn't discipline her right at this moment. He's been waiting long enough for her to recovered.

"Master, master. No using violence against your favourite student. You'll end up hurting your old back." She was still running from her master beating. Who wants to get beaten? It still hurt and she just fully recovered not too long ago. She doesn't want to end up in a hospital again.

"Who's my favourite student? You're just going to make me go to an early grave if i don't beat you until you stopped with your mischief. Stand still, you brat." He panted.

Alas, his old age seem to be catching up to him in this cat and mouse chase. He ended up sitting tiredly on the sofa while panting so hard. If he was 20 years younger, catching the brat will seem like piece of cake.

Alicia stopped running but kneeling not to far from her master. At least it's further so she can dodge if her master decided to beat her again.

"Master, you know i have too many people around me and it's all your fault for sending me back here for the current mission. You know i can't escape from my past and from my own protective families. It's harder for me to make my move without alerting them. Thus, i needed to make it real just didn't expect my biological to be inhumane." She said in a pitiful voice. Hoping to ease her master anger. Master Nil knows she was acting to get his anger subside but he too doesn't wish to prolonged his resentment. He sighed heavily, pinching in between his eyebrow.

"When i first recruited you i thought you were bluffing when you said you had a protective brother by your side. I thought you just wanted to make me give up in recruiting you. But after knowing who your brother is and his connection, indeed it became a problem. For now, i want you to lay low but at the same time find out the enemy's base camp and the real head who have been leading MUTINY and what they want from Prince of Hell. I assume that would be easy for you. Si and Wu will assist you whenever you needed. I'll be staying here until we catch all of the MUTINY members. This is your current mission. Xero, receive my order." Master Nil stood up after giving her the orders. She immediately received it without any hesitation.

"Xero, reported back on duty." She salute before putting on her ugly disguise again. It was time for her to head back to the hospital and she still need to handle another matter.

"Oh,,,another matter. I might get married next month." She took off leaving Uno spurting out the water that he drank on his own laptop before cursing and Master Nil looking flabbergasted by her announcement.

"You brat!!! Get back here and explain this very minute!!!!" He was few seconds too late roaring out the words since the victim is on her way to the hospital, whistling her way casually.