Xero out


"Static. No movement on the east."

"Estimated time?"

"10 minutes."

"Not good. Need to be faster than that." the other person chided.

"Want to know how long i can get there and knocked you out?" She retorted.

"Unless you have wings and superpowers, i'll bet my entire money that you won't be able to do that." He scoffed.

"Ohohoho,,,you forgot one thing. I don't have to be there. Check your phone."

Not long, she can hear a bunch of curses raining down.

"You have time to give me a death sentence while on the job? Might as well you speed up rather than aiming your anger at me. I'm not the one who called you in at such a crucial time."

"Let's face it. You can't do a thing without me. Done." She said triumphantly before she hit send button.

"I thought you said 10 minutes???!" The other person chimed in. She rolled her eyes upward.

"You might as well get in there before the security realize something is off." Xero warned Deux. Uno on the other is trying to establish the code that she just sent. Although they have been bickering back and forth but their hands and brain still working at the same time.

"Ugh,,,i hate you geniuses. I'm in the room. Heading towards the safe."

"10 minutes counting now." Xero said. Her eyes wondered around to check the perimeter.

Right now, they're in MUTINY base in the city. Si and Wu manage to find out their base and give detail info about the place. They have been observing the base for a couple of months now. Tonight is the perfect night to take out the missing piece that the MUTINY leader kept in the safe. Xero has been assigned to hack in their security system which are complicated. With the help of Uno, she managed to do just fine. Besides from that, she's also in charge in taking out the guards or any member of MUTINY. The leader of MUTINY went somewhere like he usually does, leaving highly armed and trained man to watch over the building. However, it wasn't a big problem for Xero considering her level of skills is higher than them. To her, they are just one of her punching bag. Si and Wu at this time are spying on MUTINY leader to get the name and the person he's meeting tonight. What's important is, they need to have the info that he kept inside the safe and bring it back to Master Nil to figure out the rest.

"Got the package." Deux said. Xero checked the time.

"Wu, position?" she asked.

"Heading to the base."


"Following the other person."

"Wrapped it up at 0300 hour."

"Wu, out."

"Si, out."

"Deux, out."

"Uno, out."

"Xero, out." She sighed with relief before she gets in her car and drove away as if she's just one of the passerby. She picked up Deux who was waiting somewhere after pulling the stunt.

"Okay, we need to be quick. Otherwise your husband is going to rip the whole hospital just to get you out." Deux said as she took off her black shirt and changed them back to her blue dull scrub.

"He won't do that." Xero tried to assured her. She wasn't convinced actually. She know how crazy and domineering her husband can be. After living with him for a couple of weeks, he took great care on her working hour and even her meal. If she ever forgot about her lunch nor her working hour extended for one hour, he will hear about it and berated her hospital director. He wouldn't do it in front of her but eventually, she found out that he threatened the higher up. She sighed thinking about his ridiculous way.

"Hah. Didn't you see the changes ever since you got back from your honeymoon? Especially in terms of your schedule and not to mention even the food for the hospital has been upgraded. I'm telling you, once he found out you're involve in this matter, i fear for our Master Nil's future." Deux tried to scare her more which is 100% true. Even she can't deny the whole thing. Her husband can be really scary when it comes to her safety and her well being.

"Do you think i should keep on lying to him like this? I was planning to tell him but just didn't find the right time to do so." She hesitated.

"Tell me when you're planning on revealing the matter so i can run away as far as i can. Or dig a hole for myself. I'm sure your husband wouldn't let me go."

"Farrah!!! Must you scare me like this? Now, i don't feel like telling him at all." Farrah aka Deux. Recruited few years later due to her being a genius as well and her fondness over weapon aside unlocking any latest edition of secure safety box.

"Alicia, you got to admit he is scary. Otherwise no one will call him The Ruthless if he wasn't one."

Alicia groaned. Tristan never showed his ruthlessness in front of her. But from her brother's word and other people, she kept on hearing how cruel her husband can be to other people who tried to harm the person he cared for. She didn't know if she should be pleased, happy or scared at the same time. But whatever it is, she can not let Tristan know about her leading a double life. To make things worse, she had to go to another mission related to MUTINY overseas.

"What should i do about our mission next week?" She asked Farrah who's looking at the info that they stole.

"Oh crap. I forgot about that. Tell him it's a conference. And damn it!!! This is terrible. They're designing a new weapon. I don't really know much but what i do know the level of destruction is the same level as a nuclear bomb. It seems incomplete. Probably the reason why they're targeting Prince of Hell. Someone among them have what they wanted. Your brother and his friends could be in danger." Alicia who was driving almost stepped on the brake when she heard what Farrah told her.

"Inform Master Nil. We may have to steal something from Prince of Hell as not to let MUTINY get them before we do."

"Right on it."

Alicia stepped on the accelerator trying to go to their main base. This thing can not be delayed.

"What are you doing? You're going to be late and Tristan is going to picked you up soon." Farrah panicked when she turn other way round.

"We need to put the Prince of Hell under protection. I can not let anyone hurt someone close to me." She said, putting a serious face.

"But we don't know who is Lucifer. He's the only one that we don't know of the identity. Even you don't know the person. Why you never asked your brother about Lucifer? Anyway, Master Nil will handle everything. Don't worry. Now, turn around before Tristan blow up the hospital." Farrah tried to persuade her. Whatever decision that Alicia wants to make, she had to make it fast. Their cover will blow if she decided to be stubborn. Fortunately, Alicia made another U-turn and head back to the hospital. She sighed with relief.

"I know they're important for you. But isn't it what we are made for? How many lives have we saved until now? With your brother's talent and his other peers, no one will be able to hurt them. Don't shoulder everything Alicia. You have us." Farrah said again just to make her friend calm down.

"I know. I know. I'm still traumatized over the accident cause by that group. We've been chasing after them for years now. Disrupt their plan again and again but we still haven't had a clue what is their real motive and who's the real person backing them up." She gripped her hand on the gear tightly and her brooding face spells it all.

"You don't have to worry about that. We got the person." All of sudden another voice rung. They both looked at each other as Farrah search for the voice.

"The next time you guys want to have a private talk like this, make sure every communication is off. Right now, Master Nil heard every single thing what you said." Uno smirked as he looked at the grim old man sitting in his seat. He could hear curses from Farrah and Alicia.

"Head to the hospital. We'll talk next week." Master Nil gave his orders and both of them obeyed.

This time, Farrah make sure the communication are off and Alicia burst out laughing as she speed up the pace.