Tristan and Ralph

Tristan carefully picked up his wife who fell asleep after their 'intense workout'. He brought her to their bedroom and gently place her on the bed with pillows surrounding her in fear she would fall off the bed during her sleep. Having watch over her, he knows the extent of her sleeping habit. He could only shook his head and watch her sleep on the floor back then. But this time, he wouldn't let her go through the same thing. But now, even with the heavy barrier surrounding, she still fall off once in a while when he's in the work room trying to finish off his work or having a late night conference due to time difference. He did think of changing the position of their bed and made it close to the wall. He haven't had the time to ask his designer to change the layout of their bedroom. More like, Alicia insist on being in charge of their bedroom design. He doubt she would remember her own intention. Probably he'll have to take over that job during their business trip. Neither will be at home during that time.

After confirming again and again that she will be safe and won't fall off, he finally retreat to his work room. He took his phone out and dial a number. Not bothering the hour is late, he knows the other person will definitely pick up his call.

"Hello." Ralph answered with a hint of irritation.

Tristan raise his eyebrow up before smirking with satisfaction. He was angry at first but hearing the harsh voice on the other side, he knows he had just disturb someone's night.

"This is a good revenge." He said purposely making Ralph curse out loud.

"Damn it Tristan. It's late and tonight is definitely not the time for you to call me."

"Well, serve you right for being such a blabbermouth. Why did you tell Alicia about the business trip? You could have put Alicia in danger." His tone became cold when he remembered how Alicia told him what she knows about the business trip.

"Just that? I only told her that i'll be taking you with me for the business trip. That's all. There's no harm telling her just that. And she didn't ask anything but only warned me to look out for you and to add more bodyguards. That's it. What danger? I always tell her about this before she got married and it is true that you are coming with me or is it because you were being difficult about it. I'm serious about this Tristan. We need you. Someone has been trying to mess with us Princes of Hell. My accident is only the beginning. The others had their office broken in as if they are trying to find something and some even got hurt when they almost got kidnapped. The only person who haven't had any problem is you because they couldn't find out your identity." Ralph try to ease his friend's storm by explaining their important business trip. Any later it will turn into a hurricane.

Tristan was silent for the next seconds before he spoke up.

"Why that city?"

"I did some digging of my own and found out about this group who called themselves MUTINY. And they were a wanted group there. So, we might as well look into their base and start to find out why exactly they're targeting us. Plus, it's easier to know the enemy and crush them." Ralph explain further. Tristan tapped his fingers on the desk as if he was thinking of something.

"I'll be there after seeing Alicia off." He said after a while.

"Alicia is going somewhere? She didn't tell me that. Where is she going? Is she going to that humanity charity thing again? She finally got you to agree on going to that dreadful place? Are you nuts? My family won't agree with it nor I. Did she know that you're the one who tattle on us about her intention on going there in the past?" Ralph was agitated. He never like it when he heard Alicia is going somewhere. He wanted to trust that brat to behave but making her behave and listen to his words is like talking to a wall. A damn hard wall.

"It's for conference. Do you think i will let her go that easily? She won't think nor set her foot there in this lifetime or the next lifetime as long as she's fated with me. And, as far as i'm concerned, she never tell you anything if she's going somewhere." He hung up the phone after shooting arrows straight to Ralph's heart.

Ralph couldn't help but grumble and admit what Tristan said was true. Feeling frustrated over the truth, he head back to his bedroom only to find Delilah sleeping which ruin his night. He's going to payback double on that hooligan one of this days. He end up sleeping in double frustration while hugging his beautiful wife.