My grandson is not weak

She just remained silent on the beam still not going down which irritates Master Nil even more.

"Are you not going to come down from there? I swear one of this days, you're going to send me to my grave with your antiques." He roared at her more and she finally leap down from the beam and took a seat on the sofa. Not close and not so far from her master. Master Nil saw that and decided to just ignore her cautiousness against him. He sighed.

"For this mission, we will not be using military forces. It's all on you. All these years we've been hiding behind the military but since there's a spy among the military forces, we were ordered to conduct every mission on our own. And that includes our taking down the MUTINY group. The President has given his permission to let us complete the mission without any interference from the military. And it's the perfect time to show what you are all made of. What the true meaning being part of Googol. We are the elite among the elite and i'm sure with your skills and intelligent we can easily take down MUTINY group long. However, it doesn't mean that we look down on our opponent. Show them what you all got and your life is more important than the mission. I will be calling the other group to assist you. We will attack them full force this time. Googol, receive my order." All of them stood up straight and line up perfectly in front of him.

"Xero receive."

"Uno, receive."

"Deux, receive."

"Si, receive."

"Wu, receive."

"Dismiss. Xero, stay here and talk with me." Others immediately went to prepare for their mission in this city while Xero slowly made her way to sit next to Master Nil. She thought she would get another nagging or beating due to her recklessness.

Master Nil sighed silently as he watched his original disciple of his. The first Xero and the original Xero. No other Xero can compete with her intelligence and even her skills. In Googol, over the years they (not sure if it's there or they...i'm bad at grammar) have been many receiving the code Xero. It was due to her wanting to lead a normal life straight after her training. She's been with Googol ever since he found out she's the one that made that huge trouble back then. He found her before Ralph could ever figure out who she was. And he had to made a deal with her back then to stopped her from attacking the wealthy families back then. The elite and wealthy people are her enemies back then. She hated them to the point she uses her skills in hacking creating troubles here and there. Thus, he had to make a deal out of her. To stop her from going rampage. It was not big but to just let her be free and lead her life however she wants. With no restriction and her identity will not be exposed to the people in political world or the military world. She's the reason he had to create this group in the first place. It's the only way to keep her safe and to hide her real identity. He thought of her more than just his disciple. Which is why he's more harsh with her. He sighed silently thinking about her antiques that cause him headache every time.

"Sit down here, you brat. I'm not going to hit you. Not when you're married with my grandson." He said gruffly. Trying to sound harsh but anyone can hear the gentleness behind his words. Xero looked up and smile devilishly.

"I know you love me the most, grandpa." Hugging the arms of Master Nil or some called him Duke Cullen Caelan. Tristan's grandfather. Her own grandfather in law.

Duke Cullen looked at her with his side glance before flicking her forehead hard.

"Owww...why did you do that for? I thought you said you're not going to hit me." She let go before pouting, rubbing her forehead that starts to get red. Never judge old man's strength. They're deadly.

"Stop interfering with your husband's work. My grandson is not that weak. It's the Caelan's way to train their heir. I've been trying my hardest to hide you away from those harmful people but you just had to bring trouble to yourself. Thank goodness Daniel manage to erase your track. I thought i banned you from touching computer and laptop?"

"But you never banned me from using my phone. And you know i would never leave my track. In fact, i'm better than Daniel." She said grudgingly. Her hand have been itching to take some action all these years but had to turn that itchiness to opening human bodies using scalpel. If it wasn't for Master Nil made that agreement with her, banning her from those equipment, she might be able to be the next modern day Robin Hood.

"You!!! Do you want me to banned you from having your phone?" He knew of her ability and intelligence but he never thought she can actually hack and cause some severe damage to the company and certain victim just by using her phone.

"You can't do that. You'll make Tristan suspicious. We don't want that do we." She smiled triumphantly. He glared at her before sighing heavily. He should have known better than to quarrel with this illogical brat.

"Don't think you can win out of this. You think i won't tell Tristan about your mischief? I wonder how you would explain to him about you being part of Googol. Afterall, he used to be one. It was only for a few months but i'm sure it won't be hard for him to find out something if he decided to use his resources. Just so you know, he's more skillful than me and probably you." Alicia eyes went wide.

"You wouldn't. Why i never heard of him before? I should have known every member inside the Googol group. Why did he quit?"

"He's a trainer. Reason for him to quit? That, you have to asked him that."

She looked at him one sided before she scoffed making Duke Cullen feels annoyed. He flicked her forehead once again and found satisfaction when she yelped in pain again. He smile.

"I'm not going to let you meet your great grandchildren if you keep on injuring the soon to be mother."

As soon as she told him that, a crash was heard from Uno's keyboard and some glass shattering that falls from Deux's hand while Duke Cullen suddenly turn static. As for Si and Wu, they nearly fell from their chair. Alicia took the chance to make another escape after leaving some info that even Tristan didn't know. It was short willed when Duke Cullen recover quickly and took a hold on her wrist. He held it tight before ordering Wu, Si, Uno and Deux for a change of plan. She didn't even manage to make any escape. But she can hear Duke Cullen turn into Master Nil and forbid Xero to be on the field. She protested but no one seem to be listening to her. Just when she thought of making her own plan, she can hear Master Nil gave her a threat.

"If you're planning to enter the field with your antiques, i'm going to drag Tristan here and bring you back home." She sighed and regret that she told them the news.

"Fine, i won't. But, if i sense something is wrong you had to let me in. I won't let anyone hurt or injured. Not on my watch. It's also the first time we're doing it without any military power. And you got to admit, my instinct is always right." She made a bargain. Despite Master Nil unwillingness to comply but he knew that she was right.

"Only if your instinct gave a warning. And i want you to take care of yourself and my future great grandchildren. I don't want to face your husband's craziness and ruthless action." She nodded. It was a serious matter. She won't take things lightly. Not when she was living her life happily and having another life within her. Taking down MUTINY group will be her final mission. After this, she won't need to participate actively until the day she retire. Someone else will bear the name Xero. And she will focus on her family and her job as a doctor. Her being Xero, she wished she could keep it a secret from Tristan. But that is only her wishful thinking when the future tend to give her surprises.