Stormy temper

The phone call got disconnected abruptly. Again. This time, they all clearly heard familiar voice. And the air just getting heavier when Tristan sitting in front of the laptop with a deep frown on his face. The result he got is still the same. Just what on earth is his wife doing? Wipe them out clean? What does she mean by that? And why is it he can hear his grandfather's voice before the call got disconnected? Was it anything to do with his grandfather's group that he created? Googol. The name appear in his mind. He knows what kind of group it is. Although there's not many recruitment but he knew of their capabilities. It is beyond anyone's imagination. Considering how his own wife character, he can never imagine her to be part in that group. Although his wife is wild but she's not the type who would indulge herself in violent act. And he have been watching over the years. There is no way she would be able to join that group. Not under his watch. So, no matter how he thought it through, he still couldn't find anything that can relate his wife to Googol. He hope, she will not have anything to do with Googol but some part of him felt like the thing he fear the most will eventually come true. But that's not important for the time being. She just dropped the bomb saying she's pregnant and now, she won't even picked up his call no matter how many he tried to call her. He needed a confirmation and he wanted to fly where she is at the same time. The thought of them having kids together terrifies and give him happiness at the same time. He's not sure if he'll become a good father for their kids but he will do his very best to be a father who's always close by whenever their kids needed him. That could easily been solved if he could get in touch with his unruly wife. He tapped his fingers on the table as he thought things through.

Ralph, Grey, Aaron, Daryl and Zack are at stumped. As if whatever they heard just moments ago is like some sort of a joke. It's impossible if they couldn't recognize Alicia's voice. Although it was short but they can clearly hear it. Ralph who still couldn't get over his astonishment decided to try and call Alicia. It didn't get through. Unlike when Tristan try to call her. At least he got rejected but with him, using his own phone, the call just never got through. He try to trace her location but it all went back to that damn X city where she was suppose to have her conference. The voice and the sound that he heard just now didn't even sound like she's in the middle of conference nor sleeping. And it's close to dawn. Who would ever make such schedule to have a conference during this godly hour? He looked at Tristan who kept on tapping his fingers on the table.

"Where is she, Tristan? Where's my sister?" He asked as if he forgot the freezing temperature that's surrounding them at the moment. The harsh and protective tone he gave to Tristan made the other person seem unhappy.

Tristan stopped tapping his fingers and look at the so-called-brother-in-law. His freezing eyes, stare at Ralph who finally realize he just stepped onto a landmine. He coughed lightly to clear the freezing air just so he could at least breathe.

"We'll attack MUTINY's warehouse within five minutes. Gear up" He said before he stood up, ignoring the bewildered look on his other friends. Tristan is frustrated. Which is why he needed something to distract or at least to lessen his frustration. The only way to do that is to massacre the people who are trying to mess his territory. About his wild wife, he'll get his answer when he found her.

Ralph let out a sigh. He felt like he just travel to hell and came back alive. Dealing with Tristan is like walking on thin ice. You'll never know how you end up stepping onto landmines. Only his sister can manage to subdue that ugly temper of his. Looking at the scary looking mask that Tristan put on, he truly believe there's actually devil in human suit. Tristan is the perfect example. He shook his head as if he was not used to Tristan's stormy temper, finally geared up and try to put behind the whereabouts of his sister behind.