Protecting her

Having a few days off meaning that he needed to become workaholic. Leaving the house early and went back home late at night. As much as he wanted to spend more time with his wife, he knows he was about to drive his wife into madness when he successfully prevented her from touching her laptop. The ridiculous envious feeling that he has towards the laptop almost cause him to threw the laptop away or even hide it from her. But knowing he's been restricting her freedom to go out unless he's with him or the other guys, he reluctantly had to let her 'play' with the laptop.

While others are busy like him, he still need to have someone to look after Alicia everyday just to ease his mind. He end up sending Aaron and Zack as they were the least busy people among them to accompany Alicia while he's working. It's not because he didn't trust Alicia. More like he needed to know what his wife is doing and who she's been provoking as she hack onto some other classified files that are hidden. It wasn't easy but thankfully, Alicia willing to share what she found out. Only when he asked about it. The question 'What she's been doing all day?' has been a compulsory question whenever he had the time to call her or even catch her still waking up although it's late at night. It would be better if she tell all that he needed to know herself. Only, due to her habit keeping everything a secret, it seems hard for her to talk it out voluntarily and end up forgetting to mention whatever it was she's been doing.

He sighed before retrieving his phone when he saw a lot of notification indicating he received a message from the group. Without the chat group, his private phone is like another decoration. He remembered today, all of them are coming to their house for dinner gathering. After dinner, they will head towards the their meeting base for the new info that they have on MUTINY. He looked at his watch and only to see it was just afternoon. Were they planning to have their lunch without me there? He frowned before opening the chat's group.

Aaron : Your wife is trying to turn the house and the whole neighborhood her playground. Tristan!!!

Zack : I almost died after stepping out of the house. Has she gone insane?

Jason : In case you guys haven't notice, i've been missing for the last two hours because i'm trapped here.

Jason included a picture of an upside down view. From there, all of them could imagine he was hanging from a very high place since he could see the whole view of the neighborhood. Tristan frown.

Daryl : Could somebody please tell me why i've been chased by a deadly machine gun who can move itself and they can even detect the smallest move that i made.

Grey : No kidding. I have been trapped in some sort of underground maze. And every wrong turn that i made will lead me to my death. Just what in the world is going on here?

Ralph : ...

Aaron : What does that supposed to mean? Don't tell me you're fine???

Zack : He's with me. At the couple's home.

Jason : What's the brat been doing?

Zack : Urmmm,,,

Jason : Don't tell me she's monitoring our misery while giggling away like a lunatic.

Zack : You could say that. With two bowls of popcorn.

Grey : !!!

Daryl : !!!

Jason & Aaron : TRISTAN!!!!

Grey : This is not funny anymore Ralph. I swear, once i got out of this stupid maze i'm going to give I'm going to have her 'long talk' with her.

Aaron : Tristan, i don't care if she's your wife but i'm going to give her hell.

Jason : I'm with you in this matter. I'll lend you a hand.

Daryl : +1

Xero : Owh? I like to see you try. Let's just hope my finger don't slip on this keyboard. Otherwise, no one could tell what's going to happen with our economy. Would you like that?

Aaron : F***!!! How in the world you got into our chat group?

Xero : That's a dumb question.

Grey : I don't care how you do it but get me out of here Alicia.

Jason : Let me down as well. Are you really trying to kill me?

Xero : And let you guys beat me? As if i'll let you guys do that.

Daryl : I'll end up black and blue being hit by those blank bullets. It hurts. Alicia, stop all these robots.

Xero : ...

Tristan : Honey,,,

Xero : *rolls eye Fine.

And all the chaos finally ended. His phone turn silence and the sight of his wife is no longer inside the chat group. It wasn't for long when he received another series of message.

Daryl : Did she want to kill me? What have i done to her? All of the robots just blew up without any warning one by one.

Grey : The maze collapse trying to bury me with it.

Jason : I'm still up here. Hanging by a tree when that freaking unbreakable cable suddenly release my leg. At least i'm no longer upside down. Hahaha...

Jason included another photo and everyone could tell he's hanging by a tall tree when they still could see the whole neighborhood.

Zack : Aaron? Where are you?

Ralph : ??? He should be fine, right? My sister is not that cruel.

Not long after Ralph send out the message, another message came in. It was a video. Nearly all of them open the video and Tristan who had a bad feeling about the video end up viewing it as well. It wasn't long to convince his instinct was right. He could hear Aaron shouting loudly and cursing at the same time but Tristan was puzzled when he notice Aaron was in some sort of forest. He seem to recalled not far from their neighbourhood there's a forest which were left untouched. Aaron must be somewhere there. He couldn't imagine how did he end up there.

Aaron who was still shouting while running away from a big white tiger finally decided to climb onto a tree as he took a deep breath. He looked into the camera and start yelling again.

Aaron : Tristan, i don't care if she's your wife or not. I'll be the first one to hunt her down. I was flung by a giant catapult and only to land myself in the middle of nowhere, somehow alive but to be chased by a giant white tiger. I'll end up dying young and single because of her.

Xero : Ah,,, so that's what happen. It seems i need to adjust it a little bit more then it will be perfect.

Grey : !!!

Daryl : !!!

Jason : !!!

Aaron : !!!

All of them together : TRISTAN!!!

Tristan rubbed his aching forehead when he learnt about his wife antiques. But even so, he doesn't feel like reprimanding his wife's action. As long as she's happy and wouldn't involve herself in those dangerous matter especially the MUTINY group, he's willing to say yes to her every demand. It was his way of protecting her. For his brothers, it might not be the case. Only he can subdue his unruly wife. He glance at his watch and knew he still had another appointment. It can wait. Right now, he needed to save his brothers from his wife.