Only you

It was bad enough she badmouthed her own husband. It gets even worse when she complaint it to her own brother. It's not exactly wrong but looking at Tristan's unhappy face, she might have been a little bit too much. Being put down gently on the bed, she looked at his face warily. She needed a time machine or maybe she should start creating one since she kept on digging herself a new hole waiting for her to dive into. She wanted to explain but she didn't know where to start. Why did she open up about their unborn baby anyway with Ralph? Why must she voice out that nonsensical concern of hers? Probably it's the weird crazy pregnancy hormone that made her think of this nonsense thoughts. She knew this but she still made it a big concern of hers. She pouted as her gaze just turn gloomier.

Tristan who have been watching from the end of the bed felt like laughing at her 1001 faces that she makes. He wasn't angry about the fact that she doesn't want their first born to look like him but more like he's jealous because she would casually talked about such petty matter to Ralph. Yes, he was jealous of Ralph. He wanted to be her ears all the time. No matter how small her complaint was or how big the issues was, he wanted to be the one to listen without him asking. Now, looking at her pouted face he sighed deeply in his heart.

Taking her into his arms, he embrace her tightly and making her snapped back to reality. His palm landed on her stomach, caressing it gently and his other hand massaging her back. It's like he knows she needed the massage.

"What are you thinking?" He asked with his deep, hoarse voice.

It took her awhile to speak. He didn't bother to rush her as well. Fiddling with her own fingers as she tried to hold herself from touching his arms which landed on her slightly bulging stomach.

"Are you angry?" She asked. Besides that, she was nervous because she couldn't really figure out his current mood. She was facing away from him and with his hand around her waist, it kind of restricted her movement.

"I really wished i could be angry with you. But you know i can't. More like i am frustrated because i can't be the one to listen to your small worries nor big ones. It feels like you never trusted me like you trusted Ralph." He answered listlessly.

Alicia who heard him finally realize that he gave her so much but she never bother to change her ways with him. Yes, they were married and yes she never bother to hide her unruliness from him. But that was all. She never talked about this small matter to him unless he asked. She would only answer according to his own question. Trying to turn her body facing him while in the mean time making herself comfortable with the slight bump on her stomach, she manage to turn and look at the man who she, unknowingly disregard his existence. Placing both of her hands on his clean shaved face. She sighed. Why did she thought of not wanting this handsome and charming face to be paste on their unborn baby? How can she think of staring at other men just because her crazy hormone decided that her face is better than his?

"I really hurt you, didn't I?" He kissed both of her eyes without answering.

"I seem to forgot that i have you in my life. You have been pampering me so much to the point i ended up stepping on your pride as a husband. I'm sorry. I never thought this stupid matter will cause you to hurt so much that it's making you frustrated with me. I didn't mean to hide it. But i was worried that you would find them boring and i might tire you out. You were working until you came home late and the moment i see your face, i forgot all about that absurd thoughts. It's only when you're not around i would have that kind of small disturbance in my head. I would forgot all about it the moment i see your face. I don't want to be clingy but i do hope i can be with you and follow you to work. Despite having Jason and Aaron to keep me company, it's not the same. Plus, it's not my nature to cling onto you the whole time. Taking your time away from your company. I'm scared if i become too clingy you would leave me or annoyed with the way i am. I don't know Tristan. When it comes to you, i tend to become someone i don't know anymore." She sighed after speaking for so long. She was looking at his chest. Her fingers were now playing on his button and she didn't know his reaction. In fact, she missed the chance to see his eyes start to soften as he looked at her warmly and a slight smile paste on his face. She missed all of the changes as it seems the buttons are more interesting than him.

Tristan smile slightly as he looked down the woman who have been conquering every corner of his heart. The one who always made his life turn the other way round. It has always been her. Way before he married her and way before she knew him. To hear such words from her, he was delighted. He knew one thing. Just like his heart is filled with her, she's in the same situation as he was. He tugged her chin up so that her eyes look into his. Kissing it gently before speaking again.

"You are my wife. That is all that is. Whoever you become, you will always be my wife." He said and she wrapped her arms around his neck just so she could kiss him. It was a romantic moment between the two. Unwilling to let go each other lips. Not when Tristan felt like he could not hold back that he finally stopped.

"Do you still want our kids to look like other men?" He asked after they stay quiet and comfy in each other embrace. There's a hint of gloominess from his voice. She smile.

"You're not scared i won't pay attention to you because i have another charming mini you in my arms?"

"You dare? I'll sold my own kids if you neglect your husband." He said grudgingly as if he just remembered he needed to share his wife love in the future.

Alicia laughed merrily before giving him a quick kiss on his lips.

"It would be nice if our unborn baby look like the both of nice. Then i won't be too bad about it. He/she will have something from both us."

"Would you love that?"

"I would love that very much."

Tristan pecked her forehead and they just lay there in each other embrace, not wanting to move. Especially for Alicia. Having Tristan coming home early is something that she always waited. She snuggled against his arms and feeling the heat from him made her sleepy. With all the thrilling adventure that she have been watching from early morning, she decided to have her sleep.

For Tristan, it was another thing. Looking at her sleeping face, he smile lightly. But thinking what he had to deal after this made his head throb. He really need to talk to his wife about her new toys. More like her new playground. Something had to be done.