As she pleases

It was almost midnight and there's still no sign any of Googol's team. Others are getting restless and some are annoyed. Especially Aaron and Jason. Being the youngest in Princes of Hell, they don't really have much patience. Not to mention when they are exhausted after encountering Alicia's monstrous training 'playground'. Aaron who had the worst experience finally got up and wanted to complaint. It all cut short when Alicia who was supposed to be sleeping appear. Tristan glance up and frowned. He went to Alicia who went to the kitchen and took some food from the fridge and their cupboards.

"Why are you up? You're hungry?" He asked as he locked her in his embrace. Looking at her slightly chubby face from all that eating and her pregnancy making him feel like he did a good job in keeping her at home instead of letting her continue to work.

"I'm always awake at this hour. You haven't notice? When else would i have the time to keep up with my hobby and interest?" She answered cheekily. Blurting the truth about her activity during the time when Tristan was busy with his work in the company.

"And here i was about to praise myself for being a good husband keeping you at home. But who knows my mischievous wife still have other tricks in her. Should i keep you lock or tied up around my waist just so i could keep my eye on you?" He raises one of his eyebrow and trying to ignore her naughty fingers drumming around his chest.

"You know you won't be able to stop me from doing anything. It's good enough i'm staying at home and not causing you trouble." She patted his cheek lightly before kissing them. Tristan took the chance to kiss her alluring lips. His tongue start to travel inside her mouth and causing her to be clinging onto him closer. It was only when they heard someone coughing loudly they stopped their action. They both looked over only to see Aaron looking annoyed.

Aaron, having to see such disturbing act couldn't help but felt like he's been punched right to his stomach.

Alicia grinned with mischief while Tristan put on poker face as if he hadn't ravished his wife's lip moments ago. Aaron rolled his eyes upward before heading back to the living room. The things that he wanted to ask all went down to the dog's bowl.

Alicia start to giggle seeing Aaron in misery. Tristan looked down at his wife and tighten his arms around her waist. Although the slight bulging stomach stood in a way from letting him grind himself to Alicia's but the closeness still made Alicia who's still giggling stops. She stares at her man with delight. Her eyes twinkle and her smile just bloom causing Tristan's heart tremble at the sight. Anyone would have thought he have a good, gentle and obedient wife. But only he knows how she turn his world upside down. Especially when she looks innocent like this. It's always bad news when she look at him like this.

"What are you up to?" He asked.

Instead of answering, she took hold of his hand and headed towards their living room where the other Princes of Hell watched sport channel on TV as they wait for their guests to arrive. Taking her laptop along and handed the snacks that she took few minutes ago, placing them on his other hand. They both sat down and she start to type something on her laptop before the TV turns dark making others groan in anger. All of their head turn towards Tristan and her. But they both ignore the ferocious glare and Tristan start opening the snacks that she gave to him. Not long, the screen turn to the familiar scene. It was the place where it gave nightmare to almost all of them this afternoon. The only difference is, the sky has turn dark but one can see the action took place. Watching the screen, they finally had their answer as to why the Googol haven't arrived. It's not because they're late. But the situation that they encounter cause them to be late.

Despite that, all of the Princes of Hell couldn't help but feel humiliate and amaze when they saw how easily the Googol handle the same obstacles. Feeling unfair, Aaron walked up to Alicia who seem to enjoy watching whatever is happening on the screen. He could imagine her exact reaction when she was watching them suffering with her antique.

"Did you lower the difficulty? Why is it i got thrown to the woods at the back of the neighborhood and being chased by mutated white tiger? I mean, just look at them!!! One of them actually blow up the robots in one go and remain unscathed while the other just easily cut off the unbreakable cable and actually 'fly' down safely. You must have warned them about this vicious trap." Aaron said resentfully.

Alicia grinned wider.

"You could have just watch it silently and save your face. Now, you're just asking for it. For your info my dear sweet little brother, i set their 'training' higher than what you guys encounter this afternoon. And look, it only took them about 15 minutes to escape." She point towards the screen when she saw all of them are already walking towards the house leisurely. The black suit and mask remains perfect condition.

Aaron felt like he almost choke his own saliva when he heard what she says. He look at Grey and Daryl whose skills are almost the same with Tristan only to see them nodded their head. He felt like cursing himself. She actually set their 'training' higher than theirs? Just how insane these guys are? If that's the case, then were they set with the lowest setting but only to end up half dead? He rather not say another word in case he shot himself in the foot. He didn't have a chance to say anything altogether when a couple of shadow suddenly appear in the living room with them. All four of them took their place and seem to be making themselves at home. One could be seen raking up the kitchen cabinet and the other seem unbothered by the crowd in the living as he went looking around the house as if checking for the security. The other two just sat at the sofa as if they didn't encounter some horrible challenges.

"Were you that bored that you set the whole neighborhood as your playground?" A male voice that seem sound familiar to Tristan which made him stiffen for a while. Only Alicia notice his stiffness and seem to understood the reason behind it. Before she could answer, another voice emerge. This time, it gives a certain impact to Grey.

"I've been dealing with operation back to back since you're not around and this is how you treat me? Should i be flatter or strangle you?"

Alicia rolled her eyes upward when she heard that. It's not like it was her intention to stop working. Blame it on the person sitting next to her who had his hand around her waist.

"Xero, you sure had lots of time to be playing with those toys that i had a hard time to get." The person who went straight towards the kitchen cabinet finally return with his hand full with snacks that he could find. Having to deal with that automated machine gun that aims perfectly makes him hungry.

"Master Nil would beat you up again if he knew about it." After touring around the house, Si sat down ignoring the other member of Princes of Hell.

"Somehow i had a feeling she took the money out from Master Nil's account." The guess by Uno seem to shot Alicia straight to the heart when she suddenly cough couple of times and looking restless as Tristan's eye lays on her.

Ralph seem to have seen her guilt as well when he had a hand digging a hole deeper for her to jump into.

"And it seems this Master Nil doesn't know about it."

All eyes turn to Alicia and they all seem to agree on Ralph's statement.

'Only Xero would do anything that she pleases.'