Do you want to die?

"Xero, i know what i'm asking is impossible but i'll bite. Will you be joining us? You know things won't be the same without you around." Quint asked ignoring the astounded faces on the other side of the table. He knew what he was asking would cost someone's fury but due to the complicated situation for this mission, he had to be assured of everyone's safety. He was anxious. Despite countless dangerous mission that they have survived together but it will be futile without Xero around. He depended on her. They depended on her most of the time whenever things turn awry. There's never a fair play in war. Xero usually would be the person to handle the element of surprise in every turn. Which is why he had to asked that question, hoping she would join them.

Alicia squinted her eyes at Quint or known to be Wu by her. One hand carressed the bulging stomach gently but no one is able to tell what she's thinking. She knew Quint would be anxious. Though no one are able to know what he's thinking but as his leader and the one who picked him up how could she not know what he was worried about. They never went to any dangerous mission without her. This time, the danger level is higher than usual.


"She's not going." Before Alicia could say anything, it was cutoff by the man who's sitting gloomily beside her. He was excuding a dark aura surrounding him. If one could truly see the darkness engulfing around him, people would truly think he's the reincarnation of a devil. It truly suits his name. Lucifer. She sighed silently. This man is still afraid that she will go out behind his back doing the dangerous stunt that he wished he didn't know about. He took her hand in his grip and tightly holding it. It might looked he was hurting her but only she knew the gentleness and the trembling from his palm. She hold his hand back and immediately the overbearing pressure surrounding the room vanish.

'Ah, the power of love.'

"Of course i won't be going. But i'll be your eyes the moment you enter the company." She said.

"But what if there's trouble along the way? We don't have your high IQ and quick thinking to alternate a new plan. None of us have your sharp insight." This time it was Farrah who voice out another of their concern. She knew it's dangerous for Alicia to join them but knowing Alicia, she can easily avoid any trouble without effecting her pregnancy. It's crazy but that's Alicia, someone who can easily survive in enemy's territory and make it like she owns the place.

"As much as i would love to join this mission,,," She pause for a while when she sense the dark gloomy cloud and the overbearing pressure surrounding the room back once again. She glance towards the man in charge of this bleak atmosphere who seem to stare at her waiting for her next sentence. She flashes a warm smile and continue what she wanted to say.

"I still have to decline. Being pregnant, even a genius like me still have to concede when i have another life in me. But i won't worry much since Princes of Hell will be assisting you guys this time. You can consider them as having me around."

"Do we have a choice?" Grant asked in disdain.


"What do you mean by that?" Jason raises his voice and looked at Grant with deep animosity.

"Exactly what you think i meant." Grant answered without a hint of remorse. None of the Xero team bother to interrupt meaning they have the same thinking like Grant. They doubt Princes of Hell strenght. Others might feared them but from their last confrontration, a three person couldn't even beat one of them.

Alicia who seem to have foreseen this could only massage her head ligthly. It's a problem with people who have high IQ. Of course none would be willing with others and it's normal for them to looked down on Princes of Hell considering their performance today and last time. She sighed.

"Just because you guys higher IQ, it doesn't mean you can look down on us. In the eyes of other people who have high IQ it doesn't mean you're higher than them as well. You're just a simple human being in their eyes just like how you look down upon us." Daryl who was offended by their disdain look retorted with his sharp tongue.


"What? Isn't it true? You needed Alicia to protect you guys and become flustered the moment she's not joining in the so called dangerous mission. Learn how to look be humble and stop looking down on other people and think you guys are better than other people. Your blood is still red, what makes you different just because you're a little bit gifted. Don't make me laugh." Daryl just cut off whatever next word that Grant wanted to utter.

"Guys, let's not get work out over this. We'll just have to work together and see if the plan work." Ralph as always will try to be the mediator if there's any dispute no matter where.

"Hah, we don't need to hear that from you. We only take orders from Xero and she's the only who can rule us." This time Quint made his point.

"And didn't Alicia's the one who gave that order? She wanted us to cooperate." Ralph gritted his teeth. No matter how patience he is, he's not someone who will tolerate some insolent brat trying to compare their potential with them just because he have a higher IQ than them.

"And we just stated our point. We don't trust you, someone who only rely on their brawn instead of their brain." Grant once again made a statement that would cause a fight between them.

Farrah and Daniel chose not to say anything. Their focus is on Alicia who look calm seeing the dispute happening in front of her. Only they both knew she's not anything like that. Her calmness will only bring storm for the later. Tristan on the other fold both of his hand and just sit there lazily looking bored.

"You might want to tone down a bit. We're not someone you can provoke." Grey gave his warning. It would be better if Quint and Grant listen to his warning but they both chose to become sarcastic and take things out of control.

"Is that a threat? Do you think we're scared of you? And you called yourself Princes of Hell. Hah!!! What a joke. More like some low gangster trying to make a name. Isn't it equal to being tra..."


Before Grant could utter the word 'trash', flashes of shadow appear in front of him before he was kicked and flew away from the desk. Banging himself on the wall as he spluttered blood before fall on the floor. Even so, he was picked up from the cold, bleak floor by the neck making him unable to breathe properly. Standing in front of him is Alicia who's looking at him in her cold icy look. Her body gave a deadliest aura and he started to shivers from fright. She was actually blocked by Farrah and Daniel from approaching him but they still couldn't really hold her down due to her bumpy stomach and her outstanding strenght. Right now, staring at the person who can easily break his neck, he couldn't help but regret saying what he was about to say moments ago.

"Have you forgotten where i pick you from? Have you forgotten the fact you, yourself were called lowlife, trash by others? And now you want to look at other people just because your life is better now. What gives you the right to do so?" She tighten her grip on his neck making him gasp trying to get some air in his lung. He knew he have gone too far. It's a taboo.

"Alicia, let him go. He's not worth it." Farrah who's been holding onto her hand trying to take off her hand from Grant's neck seems struggling. She couldn't even move her muscle nor make any difference due to Alicia's overwhelming strength. It's bad news. She glanced towards Daniel who's having a hard time holding Alicia's anger.

"Daniel, do something." Farrah urge him.

"What do you think i'm doing? Master, a little help here." Daniel was sweating profusely.

"She's pregnant. The drug is not good for her babies. We have to knock her.." Master Nil start to look nervous as well when suddenly an unknown wind almost knock him away. The next moment he saw Quint was being held onto his neck by Alicia. An overwhelming aura start to spread out making Farrah and Daniel spurt out blood due to Alicia's monstruous strength pressuring them.

In the mean time, other Princes of Hell are also flabbergasted by the sudden event. They were stunned with Alicia's sudden outburst and within the speed of light she manage to strangle Grant and Quint slamming them on the wall. All of them glance towards Tristan who stood up and walking calmly at his wife. He manage to signal them to stay calm before heading towards his Alicia.

Standing behind his wife, he can feel the monstrous pressure that can hurt others if one isn't strong enough. Slowly he put his hand around her shoulder and whisper softly in her ear. Not long, her surrounding start to become placid once more and she finally let go of her grip on Quint and Grant. They both fall down and she looked menacingly at them.

"Do you want to die? In team Xero, we don't need people who looked down on others. We have lived that life before and it's not our place to be talking shit about others. This is my final warning. There will be no next time." She said coldly. Every word coming from her mouth were like icicles piercing their skin. Both of them nodded their head obediently.

Seeing them nodded in fear, Alicia immediately dissiplate her aura and the atmosphere turn serene once more as if nothing happen. Aside from scattered chairs and broken, dented wall, everything seem fine. Tristan led her back to her seat and gently carressing her hand. The other Princes of Hell sat down with their straight back and act like nothing happen. Despite thousands of question playing inside their head, they couldn't say anything. Not with Tristan intensely dispensing his unpleasant vibe at them.

The other Xero team started to sit back down and they too acted like nothing happen. Aside from the two who were heavily wounded and their neck started to bruise, no one spoke a thing about it. The meeting resumes and this time no one dare to object nor show their dissatisfaction.