Breaching The First Layer

When Ah Chun and Mei Liling arrived in front of the small house Ah Chun was actually surprised to see that the outside of the house was well taken care of. The courtyard had been swept clean by someone and there didn't seem to be any damage to the structure of the house as well. Ah Chun remembered that when she was four a hole had formed in the roof due to a strong storm but from what Ah Chun could see it seemed as if someone had repaired the hole in the roof. For this Ah Chun was really grateful she did not want to have her new mother live in a house that was full of holes.

When they went inside the whole house was dust-free. Even the flooring throughout the house seemed to have been redone. To Ah Chun, it seemed as if the Village Chief was preparing the house for someone else to live in. But this did not bother Ah Chun since the house seemed almost like new.

As Ah Chun went room to room inspecting the house. She couldn't help remember the past when she lived here with her birth mother. Even though it was for a short time she was very happy back then. Ah Chun's eyes started to redden a bit but Ah Chun pushed back her tears and continued to smile. She did not want Mei Liling to worry about her. Even still Mei Liling could tell that Ah Chun was feeling down so she gave Ah Chun a hug to comfort her as much as she could. Ah Chun couldn't help but snuggle her head into Mei Liling's stomach the warmth she got from Mei Liling was something she really enjoyed.

After a bit of familial bonding, the two went to work on getting the house set up for their day to day lives. There were three bedrooms in this house, a living area with a kitchen attached to it, a receiving hall in front to welcome guests and an outhouse in the backyard. Mei Liling set up two beds in one room which would be where Ah Chun and her would cultivate at night. Mei Liling also set up an alchemy room with the second bedroom to make sure that she always had a stock of pills on hand for Ah Chun. The third bedroom was left as is and used for storage.

"Chun'er it's getting late so why don't you head in and start your cultivation. Mother will go over your training schedule tomorrow. If Chun'er can follow this schedule for two years we can leave this place and head off to Mother's sect. Where you will then enroll. At that time Chun'er will become Mother's personal disciple in the Sect. Chun'er is lucky that Mother is an elder at the Heavenly Sword Sect. This way we do not need to be separated!" Mei Liling smiled as she softly pushed Ah Chun into the bedroom before turning around to head to the alchemy room. But stopped short when she felt two little arms wrap around her waist giving her a hug.

"Chun'er will do her best for mother! Chun'er will not let mother down!" Releasing Mei Liling from her grasp Ah Chun ran into the bedroom and sat down on one of the beds in a lotus position and started to circulate her Heavens Divine Lotus cultivation method.

Ah Chun had been practicing the Heavenly Divine Lotus cultivation method for two weeks now and she felt like she had finally reached the border of the first layer of the technique. Once one reached the first layer one's strength and spirit power would increase two-fold and also allows one to learn a skill called Dancing Lotus. A kind of movement technique that once mastered will seem like the user is dancing on the wind. It emphasizes using soft to overcome hard. In other words, it uses the force of your opponent to dodge their attacks. For someone like Ah Chun who has such a small body its a perfect match. With her body size, it really would seem like she was dancing on air enabling her to use other skills while at the same time dodging incoming attacks.

If Ah Chun were to master this technique to its fullest extent. Ah Chun would be a very difficult opponent to defeat even for people who are a few stages higher than her. Even if she could not defeat her opponent at least she would be able to survive long enough to look for an opportunity to escape.

Ah Chun had been practicing Heavenly Divine Lotus all night when she was just about to finish her last cycle through her meridians as the Spiritual Qi reached her dantian. There was a cracking sound as if a barrier had just been breached.


The Spiritual Qi Swirled in her dantian condensing and compacting into a small ball. When Ah Chun sent her Divine Sense into her dantian to see what was going on she was surprised and happy to see a small lotus seed appeared in her dantian. This was proof that she had finally reached the first layer of the Heavens Divine Lotus!

Ah Chun was so excited that when she opened her eyes she rushed out of the bedroom and burst into the alchemy room with a loud bang as the door slammed against the wall. Mei Liling who was in the middle of the last stages of condensing a foundation condensing pill lost her concentration and the furnace exploded!

"Chun'er are you trying to kill your Mother!?" Mei Liling yelled while pursuing her lips. Her whole face was covered in black soot.

"Ehehehe… Chun'er's sorry Mother!" Ah Chun couldn't help but giggle when she saw Mei Liling's soot-covered face.

"Sigh… It's fine Chun'er just knock the next time you come in so I don't lose precious herbs. Now, why did you come running in here?" Mei Liling sighed and shook her head as she took out a towel to wipe her face.

"Right! Chun'er reached the first layer of the Heavenly Divine Lotus cultivation method! Chun'er looked in her dantian and now Chun'er has a lotus seed in her dantian! Which means Chun'er can now learn the first technique of Heavens Divine Lotus the Dancing Lotus!" Ah Chun's eyes were beaming with happiness.

"Already!!!!?? Chun'er you reached the first layer in just over two weeks!?" Normally reaching any layer on a cultivation method would take months sometimes years. To reach the first layer in such a short time was just astonishing. Even for Mei Liling, it took her almost two months to reach the first layer on her cultivation method. But Ah Chun did it in just over two weeks this was an insane progression speed!

"Wait, Chun'er you said you looked in your dantian? Did Chun'er already open your mystic eye and can now use your Divine Sense!?" Normally for one to open their mystic eye and use their Divine Sense it would be during their Qi Sea realm. So hearing Ah Chun say she could already see inside her dantian was really surprising!

Mei Liling grabbed Ah Chun's hand and sent her Divine Sense into Ah Chun's body. She first sent it down into Ah Chun's dantian and saw a small little seed with a sprout popping out of it. Mei Liling was quite amazed that it really only took Ah Chun a little more than two weeks to reach the first layer of Heavens Divine Lotus cultivation method.