Return to the Forest Part Two

Right after Ah Chun disappeared the Wind Chasing Tiger seemed stunned for a second and quickly looked around. It suddenly felt an immense killing intent coming from above. But before it could even react blood sprayed and the Wind Chasing Tiger's world turned upside down as its head went flying through the air. It did not even know how it died. All it knew was that its prey disappeared before it met its end. Ah Chun had leaped over its huge body and swung down on its neck in an instant. The whole process took less than three seconds.

"Humph that was a little too easy. I guess I should just head straight for the inner zone or else this will not even be training. But before that, if I remember correctly, Mother had said that demonic beasts of rank five and above would have a Demonic Core that was used in refining pills and other alchemy related things. It just that I don't know where it is so guess, I have no choice but to chop it all up." Ah Chun smiled and quickly started cutting into the Wind Chasing Tiger.

It did not take long for Ah Chun to find the Demonic Core. The only issue was that after she had finished searching for it she was thoroughly covered in blood. There were splashes of it all over her clothes and face. But this did not bother Ah Chun she was currently looking at the demonic core in her had with a bright smile on her face. This was her first trophy so Ah Chun was quite happy.

"I'll save this one for myself and any more I get I will give to Mother. " Ah Chun smiled brightly as she stuck the demonic core into her interspatial ring.

"Hmm… I will need to find a water source to clean up later. But for now, I will ignore it since I will probably just get more blood on me later." Ah Chun said as she looked at all the blood on her.

Ah Chun wiped the blood off her sword before sheathing it and then turning to run through the forest towards the inner zone. She had decided that there was no point in fighting anything under rank six seeing how she was able to kill the Wind Chasing Tiger so fast. Ah Chun also wanted to gather a lot of cores for her mother.

Ah Chun made her way through the middle zone without any issue. She had used her Spirit Pressure to keep the low-rank demonic beasts away. As Ah Chun entered the outer edge of the inner zone the demonic beasts started to get more courageous and were getting closer and closer to Ah Chun. Seeing this Ah Chun smiled and retracted her spirit pressure allowing them to rush at her.

Three Trihorns which are ranked five demonic beasts that were covered in armor plating came rushing at Ah Chun as soon as the spirit pressure was retracted. Ah Chun unsheathed her sword and with a giggle, she disappeared from the spot she was standing. She then reappeared above one of the Trihorns and slashed down with her sword aiming for its neck. But before her sword could hit the neck the Trihorn sensing the danger pushed its back plating and head plating together blocking Ah Chun's swords blade.

Seeing how her attack failed Ah Chun gave a cold "Humph" then twisted her small body, landed both feet on the Trihorn's back pushed off and then did a backflip landing behind the three Trihorns. She stood with her back straight, sword pointing to the ground and showed a beaming smile.

"Since you did not die this means you can keep me company for a while. It would be sad if you died to fast. Mother told me to fight demonic beasts for practice so lets practice!" When she finished saying the last word she rushed at the three Trihorns.

The Trihorns seeing the killing intent that was coming off of Ah Chun angered them to no end. A lowly human was nothing but food for them! They dug their feet into the ground and charged at Ah Chun. But just as Ah Chun and the Trihorn in front were about to collide, Ah Chun dropped down and slid under the Trihorn and stabbed her sword into its belly. Blood splashed and a horrid cry came from the Trihorn. The sword cut from the top of its chest all the way down to its butt spilling its intestines all over the ground.

"EhHehehe! Next!" Ah Chun who was soaked in blood was laughing gleefully.

Right now it was hard to tell who was the demonic one, Ah Chun or the Demonic beast. Blood was dripping from her hair and trickling down her face. But this did not bother Ah Chun it was as if the more blood she saw the more excited she became! The only thought on her mind was to kill! Ah Chun licked the blood off her lips and smiled. Flicking her sword she rushed at the other two Trihorns who had stopped their charge due to the other Trihorns quick death.

The second Trihorn did not even get a chance to realize what happened before it felt excruciating pain before it died. Ah Chun had sliced open the second Trihorn's stomach as well. Rank five demonic beasts had some form of intelligence so the last remaining Trihorn seeing how the other two died, knew it was not a match for Ah Chun. It quickly turned around to run away. It knew it had to escape from this little devil!

"Humph! Thinking of escaping I don't think so!" The Trihorn only got three steps before it died the same way as the other Trihorns.

The demonic beasts that watched the three Trihorns die so miserably decided it was best to not get close to the little devil known as Ah Chun. They knew if they did get close to her she would bath herself in their blood. After the fight was over, Ah Chun quickly recovered the three cores and stuck them into her interspatial ring before heading deeper into the inner zone.