Tomb Raiding Part Two

The Cloud Lion flapped its wings and started to rise in the air. The wind generated by the wings had blown Yu Yan and the two Lightning Wolves five hundred meters away. Only Ah Chun was still standing firm looking at the Cloud Lion with a huge smile on her face. The Cloud Lion did not take a good look at the little human girl at first but now that he has. It could not help but be somewhat surprised to see that the little human girl was covered in blood and smiling. The Cloud Lion's sense of danger reached its max. It felt if it continued to fight with this little human girl that its life would be taken. After contemplating for a moment it made a firm decision. It would get as far away from this little human girl as possible. With that thought in mind, the Cloud Lion flapped its wings turned around and shot off into the distance. All the demonic beasts in the area who were watching the show from afar could not help but nod their heads to agree with the Cloud Lions decision to retreat. They saw how many of their kind that this little human devil had killed while bathing in their blood. So they did not blame the Cloud Lion from running away.

Ah Chun who had been pumped up to fight a life and death battle with the Cloud Lion stood frozen in place as the retreating back of the Cloud Lion got smaller and smaller. She had no idea what had just happened. It took a while before she finally broke out of her stupor and finally reacted.

"He-Hey get back here and fight like a man! Wait, your not a man… Come back and fight like a Cloud Lion!" Ah Chun yelled. She was very angry that she didn't get to fight to the death with the Cloud Lion. Finally, something came along that was extremely strong and it ran away with its tail between its legs!

Ah Chun stomped her feet and puffed out her cheeks she was in no way happy on how the Cloud Lion ran away. She decided the next time she saw that Cloud Lion she would slowly kill it! After Ah Chun had finally calmed down she looked around to look for Yu Yan. She spotted Yu Yan climbing out from under some rubble with the two Lightning Wolves. So Ah Chun quickly ran over to help them up.

"Big Sister Yan are you ok?" Ah Chun asked as she wiped some dirt off of Yu Yan's skirt.

"Yes, I'm fine. Thank you for your concern, Little Chun. Oh yeah Little Chun where is the Cloud Lion?" Yu Yan was straightening her skirt when she looked around and only saw the destruction caused by the Cloud Lion.

"It ran away!" Ah Chun's anger started to rise again but she quickly suppressed it. She did not want Yu Yan to think that she was mad at her.

"Anyways that cowardly lion is not important what's important is that we can now enter the Tomb!" Ah Chun's eyes started to shine with excitement again. And her grumpy mood had finally dispersed.

"Little Chun is right, but we should be careful who knows what we will run into in there." Yu Yan was somewhat nervous about entering this tomb. There was no telling what kind of traps and other dangers that might be lurking within.

"Un. I know. Mother told me if I ever found a tomb that i can explore it but i should be very careful. Big Sister Yan you need to be extra careful there is no telling who this tomb belonged to. So it might have even been a powerful expert. The only thing is breaking the seal now that we have found the entrance. " Ah Chun sat down on a rock staring at the spatial distortion in space in front of a tall rocky cliffside.

"I might be able to open it but I'm not sure if i have the spirit power to do it so i will need your help, Little Chun." Yu Yan said as she stretched her arms and walked towards the spatial distortion.

"If Big Sister Yan needs my help I'll do what I can." This was a new experience for Ah Chun so she was actually really excited to learn how to open tombs. Mei Liling only told her if she had a chance to explore one she should. But she had never told Ah Chun the way to open one. The reason being was because Mei Liling did not want Ah Chun to go into a tomb by herself. Since Ah Chun was still young and inexperienced she wanted Ah Chun to be with more experienced cultivators before entering one.

Once Yu Yan explained to Ah Chun the method of opening a tomb the two of them started to channel their Spirit Power into the spatial distortion. After some time the spatial distortion started to shake and a bright light started to shine from the center of the spatial distortion. Slowly a crack appeared in the center of the spatial distortion. It was as if it was breaking apart space and time itself. The crack began to grow bigger and bigger until finally, it could not hold on anymore and fully broke. The air shattered and a wave of energy burst out knocking both Ah Chun and Yu Yan on to the ground. The two Lightning Wolves coward in fear. The oppressive aura that was leaking out of the newly opened tear in space was enough to make one break out into a cold sweat in fear.