Six Months And Return Part One

After her breakthrough, Ah Chun slowly made her way back to the hallway. Descending the stairs was easy this time there was no longer any kind of killing intent pressure to weigh down on her body. Although Ah Chun was happy that she acquired the Slaughter of Time. She still couldn't help but put on a dejected face.

Yu Yan who was originally stuck in the hallway was now able to enter the main room. She hurriedly ran into the room racing towards Ah Chun. Seeing Ah Chun's dejected face she started to get even more worried.

"Little Chun are you ok!? Are you hurt anywhere!?" Yu Yan ran around in circles patting Ah Chun's body checking her for any injuries. She did not know what to do if her little sister was hurt in any way.

"I'm fine Big Sister Yan. It's just i broke through to the Second Stage of Qi Sea..." Ah Chun's face slowly turned into a pout.

"Isn't that a good thing !? Why do you look so down?" Yu Yan was confused as to why Ah Chun looked so dejected.

"It's because now I'm stuck looking like 'THIS' for at least six hundred years!" emphasizing the word 'This' Ah Chun pointed at her body with a face full of dissatisfaction.

"Pff… Little Chun I thought it was something serious." Yu Yan could not hold back her laughter. Ah Chun's face was too cute for her to handle.

"Big Sister Yan don't laugh! This is a serious matter!" With Yu Yan laughing at her Ah Chun kept on voicing all her complaints. She puffed out her cheeks and stomped her feet. She really hated the thought of being stuck looking like she was six years old for so long!

"Alright, alright I won't laugh anymore. Let's just get out of here." Yu Yan wiped the tears that formed from laughing so hard from her eyes. As she tried to coax the angry little girl in front of her.

"Un! Let's go..." Ah Chun's voice trailed off as she walked ahead of Yu Yan.

The two walked back to the main entrance. Once they reached the spatial distortion Ah Chun halted her steps and sat down in a lotus position and started to circulate her Spiritual Qi. Yu Yan did not question Ah Chun's behavior she knew that Ah Chun needed to stabilize her cultivation since she had just made a breakthrough. And this space had a large amount of Spiritual Qi. Yu Yan was about to sit down next to her when she heard Ah Chun's voice.

"Big Sister Yan do you need to go anywhere for the time being?" Ah Chun raised her head and looked at Yu Yan.

"No why?" Yu Yan smiled and answered.

"Then let's stay here for a few months then. The Spiritual Qi is very dense here. It's better to take advantage of this while we can. Not only will it benefit me but it will benefit you even more. So let's make the most of our time. I only have six months worth of time for my training. So if you are not in a rush to head back will you be willing to accompany me? I would also like you to meet my mother." Ah Chun looked at Yu Yan with big round expectant eyes.

"If that is what my little sister wants then as the big sister I, of course, will accompany you." Yu Yan smiled patting her chest with her fist before she sat down in the lotus position as well and started to cultivate.

"But I thought you did you not just complain about breaking through?" Yu Yan paused her circulation of her Spiritual Qi as she teased Ah Chun.

"Well not like it will make a difference now whether it was six hundred years or a thousand years. Since I'm stuck looking like this I'll just live with it. But just wait in the future when my body finally grows, Big Sister Yan, you will see how beautiful I become! " Ah Chun raised her head high showing off her pride.

"I am sure little Chun will be very beautiful! Ok, let's get cultivating we can't waste too much time!" Yu Yan smiled at Ah Chun and closed her eyes as she went back to circulating her Spiritual Qi.

"Un!" Ah Chun followed suit and closed herself circulating her Spiritual Qi doing her best to stabilize her cultivation.

Time passed and 4 months flew by quickly the two had stayed in the tomb the entire time doing nothing but cultivating. During this time Ah Chun had broken through two more times and was now at the Fourth Stage of Qi Sea. She was not fully happy about this but nevertheless, she was determined to stand at the apex. She wanted to reach realms no one else has ever managed to achieve. Not just for the vow but also for herself as well. Yu Yan also did not lag behind she made three breakthroughs bringing her to the Eighth Stage of Qi Condensation. She was extremely happy about this it was only possible because Ah Chun supplied her with many pills that boasted cultivation. These pills were given to Ah Chun for later use if she had ever needed them from Mei Liling.

"How do we get out of here?" Though they had been cultivating for the past four months here Yu Yan still had no idea how to escape back outside. She had tried pouring her Spiritual Qi into the spatial distortion but it had no effect unlike how it did when they first entered this space.

"Let me try this." With a wave of her hand, the dragon tattoo on her arm started to glow with a black light as it untwined from Ah Chun's right arm streaking out and pausing in front of her. The black light slowly took the form of a sword starting with its black blade tip rising up to fully uncover the pure black blade. It continued on until the base of the hilt formed a small dragon head. Ah Chun reached out and the sword slowly floated over to her turning itself around and floated down resting its hilt lightly into Ah Chun's hand. Feeling the sword in her hand Ah Chun smiled softly. She really could not understand why this sword felt so familiar to her and why it felt so comfortable in her hand. All she knew was that this was her partner now, one that would always be by her side.