Mystic Realm Part Two

Receiving Shi Quan's command five elders jumped down from the stage and encircled the spatial distortion that was the entrance to the mystic realm. They started to channel their spirit power into the spatial distortion. A loud boom was heard once the spirit power hit the spatial distortion. Waves of spirit power burst out in a circle around the rift. Some of the weaker recruits were even pushed back by the force. Slowly a crack appeared in the spatial distortion causing a bright flash of light to blanket the crowd. The light was so bright that it temporarily blinded some of the new disciples who did not react quick enough to close their eyes.

Ah Chun, on the other hand, was standing there seemingly excited. She was wondering what this mystic realm would be like. As Ah Chun looking around excitedly Mei Liling sent Ah Chun a voice transmission. A voice transmission was a way to talk to other cultivators secretly using one's divine sense. This is only possible for cultivators who have opened their mystic eye and can use their divine sense.

"Chun'er remember don't kill anyone unless it is absolutely necessary." Mei Liling knew her daughter's temperament had changed a lot since she became an immortal cultivator. Although this was a good change, Mei Liling knew that Ah Chun did not know the meaning of restraint yet. Not that she would care if Ah Chun did kill some of these new disciples but it was more of an issue with her getting a headache from the other elders complaining. She has already had to hold her own impulses in from all those idiot's that were taking the first test slandering her daughter!

"Chun'er understands mother. Chun'er will do her best to make sure to leave them with a strand of life." Mei Liling heard Ah Chun's words and held her head with her hands, she already knew a headache was incoming.

It was finally Ah Chun's turn to enter the mystic realm. Stepping into the rip in the spatial distortion Ah Chun's surroundings blurred for a split second before she found herself in a thickly dense forest. The air was damp and it was extremely hot. Ah Chun circulated her Spiritual Qi to ward off the heat. Looking around her surroundings all she could see were trees that reached the sky that were wrapped in vines that grew up the tree's and on to the branches before descending back towards the ground. The sounds of demonic beasts could be heard all around. The howls and roars sounded off as if they were excited for the meals that had just arrived on their dinner table. There was sporadic ferns and other kinds of plants growing on the forest floor. Which one would have to be careful not to run into any kind of smaller demonic beast that could take advantage of the underbrush.

After checking out her surroundings Ah Chun couldn't help but be a little unhappy. It was not too long ago she had just left a forest and now she was put back into one for another ten days! She couldn't help but lose interest in this test. She was all excited to enter this mystic realm only to find it to be a forest. But she also knew that she had to finish first in order to make her mother proud. It was just that she wished there would be some kind of change in scenery!

After complaining about her situation in her heart she scanned the area with her divine sense to see if she could find any of the medallions. Sure enough, she had found two very close to her. But she did not find any other disciples. So she could only think that everyone was separated when they entered the mystic realm. After scanning one more time to be sure, Ah Chun headed off in the direction of the closest medallion.

Ah Chun's speculation was correct all the new disciples were indeed separated. Off in another part of the mystic realm was a young man of about thirteen to fourteen years old. His long black hair swayed in the wind as he stood on top of a tall tree. If one were to be looking at him at this moment and time one would see a glint in his narrow eyes.

"I spotted her in the crowd earlier now that we are all separated it will be easier for me..." A sly smile showed in his face. He sniffed the air and headed off in a certain direction.

At this time Mei Liling was sitting with the other elders next to Shi Quan. They were all watching the disciples through sight stones. Well, Mei Liling was trying to watch them but right now she was having a massive headache. Shi Quan has been pestering her ever since Ah Chun went into the mystic realm.

"Will she really not kill anyone? You promised she wouldn't kill anyone. What if she gets mad and kills one of the top disciples? You swear she will not kill anyone?" Shi Quan was acting like a nagging housewife as he questioned Mei Liling about Ah Chun.

Mei Liling's head was pounding from the mass of questions from Shi Quan. Her anger was starting to rise as he kept pestering her over and over with the same questions. She did not understand why this old man would not just listen to her words instead of asking over and over again. At this point, her head was hurting so much she could not take it anymore and exploded!

"Will you shut up! If you ask me one more time whether or not my daughter will kill any of your precious disciples I will make sure that any disciple she does not kill is dead when they come out of the mystic realm. I will personally kill them all if you say another word!" Mei Liling yelled while giving Shi Quan a fierce look.

All the other elders had cold sweat rolling down their back. They all knew that Mei Liling was not someone anyone should anger. She had a short temper and would do what she says without hesitation. Not to mention there was no one in the heavenly sword sect who was her match. Not even the sect master could win in a fight against her! All the elders secretly said a prayer for the new disciples and sect master.

The Shi Quan quickly closed his mouth and did not utter another word. He knew if he pressed any more things would get ugly. He knew that Mei Liling gave him a reasonable amount of respect due to him being the sect master. But that did not mean she would not beat him up if he pushed too far. This was not just speculation. Since it had happened in the past and she hung him upside down at the entrance of the sect with nothing but his underwear on. It was the most shameful day of his life. In his thousands of years of life, he had never been so embarrassed as he had been that day.