Mystic Realm Part Four

It was now the sixth day and Ah Chun had over eight hundred medallions. Most of which came from people who tried to rob her of her medallions. Like this trio of older girls who seem to come from a noble background that are currently standing in front of Ah Chun right now.

"Little girl our pristine wonderful majestic Young Miss here has come to give you the honor of handing over all your medallions to her. She promises that when she gets to be an inner sect disciple that she will take you in as her servant. You have no idea how many young ladies are lining up to be our Young Miss's servant." One of the girls said. This young girl who spoke was standing to the left side of another girl who had a tiara on her head and was wearing a blue robe. This girl in the blue robe was giving off a noble aura as if she was some countries princess. The girl who spoke was pointing at her as she babbled on and on about how wonderful her young miss was.

To Ah Chun who was standing there listening to this farce. Could not help but think of Li Feng Gou from her home village. The girl with the tiara on her head had her nose in the air as if she was someone important just like how Li Feng Gou used to do when he bullied Ah Chun. Since this was not the first time she had heard such babbling Ah Chun just released her spirit pressure which hit these poor young ladies like a mountain. Their backs were instantly soaked in sweat as they were forced down to the ground.

"Let's see now since you three girls are so nice to kneel to me. I will allow you three to hand over all your medallions to me and I will release the Spirit Pressure on your bodies. " Ah Chun who was somewhat angry after people had tried to rob her over and over again, puffed out her cheeks and crossed her arms across her chest.

The three girls on the ground were scared out of their minds. They did not realize that they had come across a little devil. The three girls frantically pulled out all the medallions that they had and placed them on the ground in front of themselves. Ah Chun smiled and slowly walked towards them. But once she got three meters away all three girls fainted.

"What, again? Why is it that they all faint when I get near them. I'm not really putting a lot of spirit pressure on them." Ah Chun picked up the medallions which totaled three hundred altogether.

Ah Chun could tell that they must have robbed a lot of people to have so many medallions. Even some of the bigger groups she had encountered only had a max of one hundred medallions. It was very hard to find these medallions without using divine sense. It was very likely that most of these new disciples have yet to open their mystic eye. But one thing she could not understand is why did they all faint when she went to pick up the medallions? This was a question that will plague Ah Chun for years to come...

"Elder Mei your daughter robbed another group of disciples..." Shi Quan said with a wry smile on his face.

"Hah! They tried to rob her first so she did the right thing. At least they are alive!" Mei Liling gave Shi Quan a dirty look before turning back to continue watching her precious daughter.

Shi Quan secretly sighed. He knew it was lucky that there had only been one death so far. He did not understand why all these new disciples were so dumb that they did not know to stay away from the little devil. Each time someone tried to rob her he was sweating buckets hoping for a peaceful outcome.

It was finally the morning of the tenth day and Ah Chun heard a shattering sound coming from the pouch that was hanging off her waist. A bright light enveloped her as the scenery changed for a split second before she found herself at the entrance of the mystic realms spatial distortion. A few elders were standing there awaiting the return of all the disciples. The second part if the admissions test was finally over.