Immortal Xiao Ying’s Inheritance Part Three

Ah Chun walked down the main path that leads to the crystal palace entrance. The sides of the path were aligned with tall stalks of bamboo that casted a shadow overhead. At one point along the path was a bridge that had a small glowing stream flowing underneath it. In the stream were small little fish swimming to and fro. Small orbs of light could be seen floating off its surface before dissipating into the air. This reminded Ah Chun of the spirit spring in the cavern where she had met Mei Liling.

Ah Chun continued on as she made her way down the path until it opened up to lush green fields of grass that alined the path as it arched open connecting to the set of crystal stairs ahead. Standing in front of the crystal palace really made Ah Chun feel mesmerized the gleaming of the light reflecting over and over again seemed like the sparkling of the stars in the night's sky. After some time of appreciating the sights, Ah Chun finally lifted her foot to step on the first step.

When Ah Chun reached the top of the stairs there was a young female that looked only thirteen to fourteen years old, standing there. But the look in her eyes told you she was wise beyond her years. The girl's aura gave off a supreme dominance that made one want to kneel before her. This was the first time Ah Chun had felt such an aura. Even Mei Liling never gave off such an imposing feeling before. Ah Chun knew immediately that the young-looking girl in front of her was actually someone who has lived a very long time.

"Mm good, you are here. I have been waiting for many years to many to even count to find a worthy successor to gain my inheritance. Out of all those who have tried have failed. Even though they might have gotten this far they would not be able to pass the test in order to gain it. So I must ask are you willing to risk your life to gain my inheritance?" The young female had a serious look in her eyes when she asked Ah Chun her question. She normally would not warn or ask such a question to cultivators who came here. But because this girl in front of her was so young she made an exception.

"Yes senior! Ah Chun is willing to risk her life. It may be scary to think about death but I have no choice in the matter. If I fail to move forward, the only thing that awaits me is death anyway." The young girl's eyes lit up when she heard Ah Chun's answer. 'Fail to move forward and would die anyway?'

"Little one why do you say such a thing?" The young girl could not hide her curiosity she had an inkling of why she would say that but she had to fulfill her curiosity.

Even though the young girl had said little many times it did not bother Ah Chun in the slightest. Her normal anger did not seem to surge forth when this young girl called her little. But it was more that her voice had a calming effect to it. It made one think that such mundane things were not worth one's time.

"I made a vow to the heavens that I will stand at the apex of all so that no one can bully me." The young girl's eyes widen. Such a vow! It was such a vague vow which meant she would really need to stand at the top even if it meant fighting against the heavens themselves!

"Mmm, an interesting little girl indeed. I am Immortal Xiao Ying, although what you see here is just a mere strand of my consciousness. It is here to pass on my inheritance to those that are worthy. My time has long passed and only this strand of consciousness is left. But if you are able to gain my inheritance I will personally pass on a secret art that is not included in the inheritance to aid you in your quest to stand at the apex of all. If you can pass this test you will become a whole new person from what you are now." Hearing the words immortal made Ah Chun shocked she had actually met a real-life immortal!

"I will ask again are you willing to risk your life and try to gain the right to receive my inheritance?" Immortal Xiao Ying wanted to make sure that Ah Chun was really willing so she had to ask one more time.

"Yes senior Immortal Xiao Ying, Ah Chun would be very grateful if you would be willing to give me this chance and try." Ah Chun said as she bowed her head.

With a wave of her hand, an array formation appeared on the ground in front of the crystal palaces doors. The runic lines glowed a deep purple as they spun and moved around the array formation. Immortal Xiao Ying looked at Ah Chun and said: "Once you step into the array sit down and close your eyes. You will not be able to leave the array until you have lived ninety-nine lives. You will be brought into an illusion of samsara were rebirth and death will repeat itself until you have died the ninety-ninth time. This is your last chance are you still willing?"

"Ah Chun is willing and thanks senior Immortal Xiao Ying for her concern." After replying Ah Chun walked towards the array without any hesitation stepped into it and sat down before closing her eyes.

"Little boy you can come out now." Immortal Xiao Ying shouted.

"It seems senior had long sensed me as expected of one who has reached immortality." Ning Shen said as he bowed and cupped his hands to show his respect.

"I am guessing you are guarding her in the shadows." Immortal Xiao Ying looked Ning Shen up and down. He felt as if her eyes were able to see everything about him.

"Yes, it is as senior said, junior is protecting her. But only to a point... " Immortal Xiao Ying kept staring at him before nodding her head and saying.

"No matter what happens within the array you can not enter. Her life and death are up to her now you can only sit and wait to see what the outcome will be. This process may take time and the girl you know now may be a different person when she comes out." Ning Shen eyes flickered he had heard about samsara before and he knows that it can change a person but either way he barely knew anything about the little girl in front of him as it was so it would be fine even if she did change. He will still make her his wife in the future.

"This junior understands..." After saying his words Ning Shen sat down and closed his eyes as he started to cultivate. Immortal Xiao Ying nodded her head once more before turning her eyes to Ah Chun who was sitting in the array.