Ah Chun VS Ah Chun

As soon as Ah Chun entered the pathway she found the hand she was holding was now gone. She looked around and did not see Ning Shen anymore. Ah Chun felt a bit sad but she figured this was due to the Dragon Mist Realm. It must split everyone up depending if the test is for groups or needs to be taken as solo. From the looks of this test, Ah Chun could already figure out what it consists of.

Standing in front of Ah Chun was a shadow figure the same height as Ah Chun. Ah Chun's expression turned expressionless and her eyes became cold. She took a step forward, it took a step forward. Soon as she saw this knew she had to fight herself. Not wasting any time Ah Chun dashed forward running right towards the shadow figure. The shadow figure did the same but this time the shadow figure did something else that Ah Chun did not do and that was it pulled out a sword, a shadowy version of the Slaughter of Time.

Ah Chun was startled at first not expecting it to do something she did not and stopped in her tracks forced to dodge as the shadow figure swung down at her. She quickly summoned her Slaughter of Time this time to block the second strike. Using the force of the attack she executed the dancing lotus technique and backed off giving her some room to think.

The shadow figure continued its pursuit not giving Ah Chun much time to think. Its speed was just as fast as Ah Cun's. Luckily this shadow figure did not have any eyes so it could not use the secret art dreamscape. Ah Chun continued to dodge and block attacks. Ever so often sneaking in an attack. But the shadow figure did not even try to dodge. Ah Chun could only watch as her sword went right through the shadow figure. Ah Chun could not help but curse at how unfair this all was. Because she could feel the wind from the shadow figures sword. She could also feel the weight of the sword every time she blocked, but no matter how much she tried her sword would always go through the shadow figure, causing no damage what so ever.

Seeing how her efforts to defeat the shadow figure were not producing any results Ah Chun had to come up with another plan. One that will help her figure out what to do. Then a crazy thought popped into Ah Chun's head: "Since my sword can go through the shadow figure's body then would that not mean the shadows figures sword would go through my body. Since in a sense we are one and the same." Ah Chun knew this was a gamble but she had no other choice it was either try this or continue to dodge and run away.

The shadow figure saw that Ah Chun stopped in her tracts, it lifted its sword as it tapped its foot once the shadowy body flickered and appeared in front of Ah Chun. The figures sword swung down towards her head. Ah, Chun made no move to block it, in fact, she was staring right at it! The sword came down and as it was about to hit Ah Chun's head the whole shadow figure disappeared and the area around Ah Chun changed. She was now standing in front of a large gate that looked like a dragon's mouth.

"Chun'er! Thank heavens you were able to figure out the trick to the test." Ning Shen came running over to Ah Chun placing his hand on her cheek and looked at her with a dotting smile.

"Un. Luckily I figured it out after my sword went through the figure a few times." Ah Chun said as her face blushed at Ning Shen's actions. She did not protest though she knew he was worried about her. Ning Shen saw her blush which made him realize what he was doing and he quickly removed his hand.

"Ahem… That was the test to see if one was qualified to even enter the Dragon Mist Realm. I had no idea we would be separated as soon as we stepped into the mist. Luckily we are back together again. If we get separated again be very careful, I will look for you. The tests in the Dragon Mist Realm are very dangerous." Ning Shen said with a serious expression as he held Ah Chun's hand.

"Un… I will be careful. But the same applies to you. If we get separated take care of your self. I will also look for you." Ah Chun looked up at the gate in front of them as she thought. 'If the entry test is already this hard then what about the real tests that await within...'