Dao Of The Sword

As Ah Chun's sword stopped a sword light formed in front of her and shot out towards the incoming sword light from the metal armored giant. Although it was small in comparison, the invisible force behind the strike was no less than that of the metal armored giant's. As the two strikes clashed in the air the momentum of the two sword lights stalled out with neither being able to gain any ground over the other until eventually, they both disappeared after running out of energy.

Ah Chun calmly stood in place as she looked up at the metal armored giant. The smile on her face could not be hidden. She had thought she would have needed another attack to be able to comprehend the invisible force behind the metal armored giants attack but she only needed that one last attack. She was a bit surprised though since she never thought she would reach the second level of the Dao of the Sword before she reached the Dao Root realm. Even though the first level she learned was inherited the difference between levels was still like heaven and earth. It should have taken her many years of comprehension in order to gain any insights into the second level. But thanks to the thousand golden eyes and the forced life or death battle she was able to understand it a lot sooner.

Ah Chun had finally learned the Will of the Sword. Learning the Will of the Sword allowed one to infuse the swords will manifesting it and turning it into an attack. The higher the understanding the stronger the attack. If one reached the peak of Will of the Sword they would be able to split mountains with a single sword slash. To be able to learn such a thing at a lower cultivation realm was completely unheard of unless it was inherited like how Ah Chun inherited Sword Heart from the Slaughter of Time.

Ah Chun was already well on her way to understanding the Dao of the Sword. Normally for those who were entering the Dao Root realm, it would take them thousands to tens of thousands of years to form their first Dao Root. They would be stuck in the Half Step Dao Root stage until the comprehended their first Dao. If things kept going as they are before Ah Chun even reaches the Dao Root realm she would already be ready to form her first Dao Root. Just this thought alone made Ah Chun happy.

This was the advantage of having high comprehension early on in one's cultivation journey. Ah Chun decided she would need to look for more opportunities to come in contact with the Dao of the Sword. If she could comprehend another level or two of the Dao of the Sword she would be unmatched below the Dao Root realm.

Looking at the ugly mask on the metal armored giant Ah Chun once again raised her sword and gently slashed down. She repeated this motion not just once but twice and then a third time. Moving her sword quicker with every slash until finally the entire space in front of her was covered in sword lights. It fully blocked her view of the one hundred meters tall metal armored giant. The air hummed and the space distorted as the sword lights move forward destroying everything they touched. The metal armor giant tried to retaliate with a sword light of its own but its attacks were to slow and each strike it made was canceled out.


Ah Chun's sword light slammed into the metal armor giant causing a thunderous sound as loud cracking sounds could be heard. Each area that the sword lights hit on the metal armored giant, large cracks could be seen in its armor. Ah Chun seeing that she was about to win sent out another flurry of attacks but before they reached the metal armored giant, the metal armored giant exploded into balls of light and disappeared!

Ah Chun could not help but furrowed her brow when she saw this. The sense of losing your prey after going through so much pain and planning was a bit hard to accept. This was an outcome she was not satisfied with causing Ah Chun's cheeks to puff out and her lip to pout! She was very upset!

"Hahaha! Little lass don't be so upset. I had to recall the armored giant. Do you not know how long it takes to make one of those things?" A booming voice of an elderly old man sounded out in Ah Chun's head!