Heavenly Realm

Ah Chun followed behind her two new masters as they headed towards one of the tallest peaks in the mountain range. Well, following, was an understatement since Ah Chun was currently floating in mid-air surrounded by law energy as Kang Bai pulled her along behind him. The reason Ah Chun was being treated in such a manner was because Kang Bai said "My dear disciple your so stupid and flat-chested that you can't even walk properly. Your balance is all thrown off due to your flat chest. You have no Boom Boom to keep your balance which is causing you to walk so slow." and with that, he wrapped Ah Chun with law energy and dragged her along with him. After getting over the shock of being treated like an inanimate object, Ah Chun found she could move freely within the law energy that wrapped around her so she sat in a lotus position and started to cultivate while she was being dragged by the old coot.

The group of three traveled for one day and one night as they entered the deepest part of the mountain range. It was at this time that Ah Chun opened her eyes and found herself sitting in front of a small courtyard that was situated in the middle of a dense forest. The surrounding trees glowed in between the cracks of the bark on the trunk and branches. There leaves that blotted out the sky were pitch black not allowing any light to escape past them. All the forest floor foliage were a silverish color that lightly glowed. Although the area looked surreal to Ah Chun She noticed the air was thick with Spiritual Qi.

As Ah Chun was admiring the surroundings a tall man walked out of the courtyard wearing a black butler suit. When Ah Chun looked at this man she was stunned to see how handsome he was.

"Oh, Fang you're here. Good, help my new disciple settle in. In a little while also prepare that for her." Fei Hong said as she walked past the tall man in the black butler suit named Fang.

Fang, on the other hand, looked at Ah Chun with eyes of pity. Of course, Ah Chun caught this look and had a bad feeling well up inside her. Fang motioned to Ah Chun as he said: "This way Miss. I will show you to your residence." After which Fang turned and entered the courtyard.

As soon as Ah Chun stepped inside the courtyard entrance she was slightly given a start when she saw that her surroundings completely changed. The dark dingy forest disappeared and there was a clear blue sky above her head. The small courtyard disappeared and a whole new world came into view. She was now standing in a lush bamboo forest that gave off a serene feel.

Fang led Ah Chun down a path that led out of the bamboo forest and out to a clearing. Ah Chun sucked in a breath of cold air as she looked at the sight in front of her. She was standing at the edge of a cliff that sat on top of a blanket of clouds. Above these clouds were countless of floating islands with waterfalls coming off the side of them that fell into the clouds below. On top of these floating islands were green forest of bamboo and situated in the middle of these islands were tall palaces. The Spiritual Qi in the air was tens of tens of times denser than it was from where she had just come from.

"Uh... Um… Mr. Fang sir where is this place?" Ah Chun was having a hard time trying to grasp what she was seeing. From her knowledge, she gained from her samsara she knew this place was not a created space. At least not that of what an Immortal realm cultivator could create. Ah Chun knew that there were cultivation realms higher than immortals and she knew that Fei Hong was above the Immortal realm. But she was not sure just how powerful these higher cultivation realms were.

"Miss this is the Heavenly Realms. This is just one of the many Heavenly realm worlds. You are very lucky to be able to enter this realm so easily from a primitive world. The madam was originally from your world when she finally broke through to the Heavenly realm from the Immortal realm, the madam opened an entrance to your world which is that small courtyard that you had entered." Listening to Fang's explanation Ah Chun was surprised to find out that this was actually not her world!