Preparing To Head Back To The Mortal World

Ah Chun was currently organizing her things since she would soon be leaving the Heavenly Realm to go and visit her mother, Mei Liling. While she was doing this she was thinking of the things that Fei Hong had said to her after she had inspected her dantian. Fei Hong said that more than likely every breakthrough will form some kind of planet or other objects within her dantian. But Fei Hong did not know if it would be more moons, planets, or just something else altogether. What Fei Hong was able to come to the conclusion on, was that with every breakthrough Ah Chun had would cause her strength to grow greatly. 

Ah Chun pondered for a moment as she said to herself: "Since my breakthroughs will take a few years I might as well start concentrating on my Dao's. With each Dao root, I form I will be able to grow even stronger. But I wonder which Dao's I should concentrate on."