Disturbance in Moon Clave City Part One

 Travel from the entrance from the Dragon Mist Realm to Moon Clave city only took a few mins with Fang opening a distortion rift too easily arrive outside the city. They decided to stop in Moon Clave city so Ah Chun could buy a present for Mei Liling. She had not seen Mei Liling in so long that she would feel awkward if she showed up without some kind of gift. Ah Chun once again pulled Ning Shen by the hand as they roamed the city. She was not going to let go of this chance to flirt with him slip by since it had been a while since they were able to go on a date. Well if you could call it a date, they did have Fang, Meimei, and Qin Sha in tow as well. But even so, Ah Chun was loving every moment of it.