Devil Cultivator

Ah Chun understood that Mei Liling was concerned about her mental state. But Ah Chun had done a lot worse during her samsara. She had reaped thousands of lives whether they were innocent or guilty it did not matter. In her quest for revenge at that time, anyone who got in her way was an enemy. That included towns full of people who would hide anyone she sought after that was connected to the death of her loved ones. Generations of families were exterminated by her hand in her samsara. So killing a few disciples was nothing to her and did not affect her in any way.

Ah Chun looked over at Shi Quan who was looking at the destruction and asked: "Shall we continue or are you going to admit defeat?"

Shi Quan frowned. 'This damn little freak still wanted to continue fighting? She just killed a few tens of disciples!'