The Battle Of The Tail!

After Master Lin Fen left, Ah Chun went to work testing out the new cauldron her new master gave her. She started off by refining the healing lotus pill first since she already knew how to refine it in order to get a good feel for this new cauldron. She had no idea what kind of results she would get with this new cauldron.

As normal she prepared her herbs and set her golden flame into the cauldron. After a short while, she finished refining the pills. This time though she had eight pills instead of six. Ah Chun was very satisfied with this outcome. Now that she had tested the Cauldron and found it to be very good, she went to work on practicing the recipes her master gave her.

A few hours later and many failed attempts Ah Chun was a bit distraught. She had refined all of the recipes except one and no matter how many times she has tried, it always failed with the merging process. After failing for the tenth time Ah Chun decided it would best to call it quits.