Touching Ah Chun Is Bad For Your Health

Days passed quickly and it was finally the morning of the Celestial Star Academy entrance test. Ah Chun, Meimei, and Qing'er had just arrived outside the entrance of the academy. This was a big day for the Celestial Star Academy there were all kinds of events going on besides the entrance test. There were rows upon rows of stalls full of artifacts and other tidbits that the current academy disciples were selling. It was a chance for them to gain spirit stones from selling their findings. 

The Heavenly Realm was huge along with Mystic Realms the size of full worlds, there was much to explore and much to find. So resources were a lot more abundant than what you could find in the Mortal Realm. With new mystic realms being found all the time there was no telling just how much the Heavenly Realms had to offer cultivators.