Ah Chun’s Little Temper

Days passed and Master Lin Fen finally let Ah Chun return to her regular routine. The next day she would be going to the Celestial Star Academy. Although Ah Chun did not need the training they gave, she did need the resources they offered and it just so happened her master was able to offer Ah Chun the best of the best when it came to cultivation resources. 

Ever since her awakening to who she truly was her killing intent had been magnified by tenfold. Even the killing intent she naturally exudes was stronger than before. Luckily for those that were close to her none of them avoided her. Meimei was as always Meimei as she would not just cuddle her tail be her entire body lately. Even Qing'er kept hugging her and squeezing her cheeks.  Although this somewhat annoyed Ah Chun she just let them do as they pleased. They were basically like sisters to her.