The Dao Of Chaos Part Two

Ah Chun slowly entered the hall of rooms. She walked down the hall towards the end where there was only one room. The door to this room was open but there was a barrier array surrounding it not allowing anyone to enter. Ah Chun took out the token she received from the elders and it flashed and a whole appeared within the barrier.  She stepped through and entered the room. The whole in the barrier disappeared and the door behind Ah Chun closed locking her inside.

Ah Chun laid out the four objects in front of her. She gazed at them she could feel the pressure coming off of each of them. Her eyes glowed with excitement as she reached out and picked up the black slab. This slab was the only object within the entire Dao Hall that did not have a jade slip to accompany it to explain what it was. Ah Chun got into a lotus position as she laid the black slab in her lap.