A Date In The Celestial Star City

A few days had passed since Ah Chun's breakthrough and today Ah Chun was very happy because today Ning Shen and her were going to go out on a date! Although they had been spending a lot of time together most of that had been in the Academy. That made today different since it would just be him and her as they strolled the streets of Celestial Star City. 

Ah Chun had been worried that maybe Ning Shen would not want to be seen in public with her current appearance but when she finally asked if they could go out and have a date in the city he smiled and agreed right away. Ah Chun was so happy that she immediately ran to find Qing'er and Meimei to have them help her with her hair. Which in turn ended up having Ninge Shen wait almost three hours before she was actually ready. 

"Sorry to keep you waiting!" Ah Chun said as she walked out to the front yard.